4 ⚔️ Gray Tree

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Diato pulled up the club and it landed on his shoulder. he walked past the headless naked man's body: half transformed into the Dragon; not enough to hide his nudity. Diato Thought about eating a poisonous leaf and dying a stupid death.

Of course, he wasn't afraid of death. but he was afraid of one thing: doors. He could never open a door properly without people laughing at him. Diato was afraid that someday, his future wife would find out about him being bad at opening doors. She'd leave him and he would have no one to rely on.I wish that never happens. I hope I master the art of opening and closing doors before I propose to my crush. Though I don't have any current crush, I surely will in future, He thought. He walked to a tree. Because as far as I know myself, I fall in love with nearly every girl I see on the street. Except the ones that are bla- wait... Look at that tree.

It's a mysterious one. Grey coloured. It has no leaves, no branches. no trunk. Oh, maybe that's called a rock. He felt dumb. He touched the rock with his hands: with dry blood and dirt stuck on it. and he was afraid to remove it with the other hand, What if it sticks back to my other hand?He decided to walk past it. He walked for a pretty long time before he realized that he was running. From a Tiger. What the fuck is this cock sucker doing here? He thought the jungle was safe and he only had to encounter dragons.The black stripes over his body, Courageous eyes, Filled with confidence. Powerful legs which were probably faster than Diato. That's the spirit, My boy. I don't think he wants to hear that, does he? He ran as fast as he coldHe remembered the tactics he saw on television.

He saw that hurting an animal in a Forest: will make the animal run toward the depths. He ran his hand across his belt: trying to find the knife. Ah Fuck. I threw it away, trying to help that bitch, he remembered.He turned around swiftly: pulling out an arrow from the diagonal quiver on his back. In the blink of an eye: he threw the arrow. The throw wasn't powerful enough to pierce through its head but it was impactful. The arrow struck the same tiger's head. Diato didn't stop there. He turned around, spread his arms in the air clenching a claw out of his fist. He roared"Aaagghh!! DOORS!!! I'm the door monster!!!!" Wait, what the fuck? Is the tiger also afraid of doors? The tiger ran away.

He thought it must be his amazing acting skills and definitely not the roar and the arrow making the tiger think he is a bigger animal, and can hunt him down. Even tigers are afraid of doors. Wait.... Doesn't that make me a tiger? Well.... Who's talking about making, I am a tiger.He walked in the direction in which the tiger ran. I'll find out whose doorknob you've sucked, tiger. He moved forward with his fierce shoelaces daring to slip out of its tie and getting stuck under his other leg. Worst timing. His shoelace got stuck under his other leg and he slipped. He would have fallen on the ground. But thanks to his fast reflexes, he pulled out his hands just in time, and didn't let his chest hit the ground.His palms reached first. He was glad his jaw didn't hit the ground. He got back on his legs, and continued to trudge inside the forest.

He roamed for a long time and was not expecting to see anything. But he did. He saw a long cylinder hole clearly dug by a man. It was surely a trapHe wanted to see if anyone was trapped inside it. He went to the hole, pulling his club behind his legs. He rested his elbow on his knee and gazed down at the hole. It wasn't very deep. He removed his elbow from the knee and grabbed the dry grass. To his surprise, the whole thing came out like a circular plate. He felt like he was opening the lid of a manhole.He slid the grass aside, and tried to figure out how deep that hole was. He wanted to study the trap, for some reason. He got back on his feet. He felt a little tickling in his nose. Oh Yeah, I haven't sneezed in a while, I should let that sneeze out!

He prepared his hand to throw at his nose when he sneezed. Oh shit. I forgot to bring a handkerchief . He didn't worry about it though. He never washed his hand anyways.The sneeze was going to hit anytime soon. He was prepared. He even stopped inhaling to make himself sneeze faster. He couldn't stay without inhaling for longer than ten seconds. After waiting for a whopping ten seconds, hus nose forced him to slightly inhale. It was all over. The sneeze wasn't going to come out any time soon.Fuck it. Why does things like this always happen to me?

He was disappointed. He really wished that he had sneezed. He walked forward in disappointment. He completely forgot about the hole ahead of him. He walked straight into the trap. He stepped ahead and felt as if the ground glitched. Before he could balance himself, he found himself falling into the hole. It wasn't very shallow either. He fell inside a cave.After spitting multiple times to clear out dirt from his mouth and lips, he got back to his feet. He realised that he had also left his club outside the hole, and there seemed to be no way of going back up.

He saw the cave led to two sides and he was thrown into the middle of it. If I were the mapmaker of this place, where would I make the cave lead to? If I was there, I would've made it so that this trap would lead to the selection structure, so that people wouldn't know it and they try to avoid it he decided he would go on the right side.He pulled out his bow and loaded it up with an arrow. Just to prepare. Wait..... I think this cave leads to the selection building. Because that's what I'd do and Probably that's what they could've thought! He was pretty confident this time.

He went through the uneven cave, throwing spiders and bugs off his shoulders, and scaring mice away with his Door Monster acting. Sometimes crouching, sometimes crawling, and sometimes even running depending on the size of the cave which seemed to change with time. He finally saw light. Rays of sun. Rays on hope. He was probably there for about five hours. He even decided to take a break on the way, but then he remembered the time limit. He couldn't get himself to convince that it had been twenty two hours, and there were only two hours left.

He had to get to the structure and qualify as a drayer, or else, he'd have to pay his trainer for another year. Because if he didn't, his memory would be wiped out. And he didn't see anyone on their second attempt. Probably because they didn't have the option to not get their memory wiped

out. And there was a high chance that their whole memory would be wiped instead of some. Fear cursed through his veins as he went closer, and closer to the exit. Towards the light.

He stepped outside the narrow cave. He was glad he wasn't a fattass and he didn't get stuck in the cave. He pushed his hand out first, followed by his head, then his stomach, and finally his legs. His flexible body allowed him to swiftly slide out of the narrow cave. He slid the dirt off his shirt and pants. After a final wipe at his lips to wipe away the dirt, he again loaded his bow with the arrow. Although he resisted himself from pulling the string as it would damage the string.He was surrounded by trees, as usual, but there was something else that caught his eye.

The top of the tower was visible. He knew he was there! It's the selection structure! It's a fucking tower! His enthusiasm was boosted. He ran near the structure. But before he crossed, the bushes, he saw something incredible.It was bella. Standing near the structure. He recalled all the events like flashback. The way she tied a rope around that baby dragon's neck, and pulled it, the way she saw the innocent baby dragon's head get ripped apart without any regret. The head fell on the ground, away from its body. She deserved to die! But Diato wasn't a person who thought he was capable of justice. He left justice upon god and just did what he thought was right.He pulled the string of the bow and aimed it beside her.

A female dragon awaited her. She was hiding behind the tower, in a human form. Her pointy ears were quite visible to Diato. Bella didn't even notice that dragon and let her guard down. Diato aimed at the dragon. If he missed just an inch, the arrow could hit bella. He took the chances.

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