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who does that fucking ghost think she is?
what gave her the right to rub her nose in buisness that isnt hers!

i dont have a fucking problem.
dracos delusional.
i hate all of them.
apart from theo.

i like theo.

theo nott.
theodore nott.
mr nott.
mrs nott?
rory nott?
aurora nott?

ahhh. stop. too early. stop thinking.

im not ill.
im not sick.
im fine.
i have it under control.
i think its the only thing in my life i have control over.

i dont even have control over my own mind and emotions.

cheers dad.

no thanks.

dont think like that. youll regress you idiot.

i want a baby.
maybe i should just accidentally forget to use a condom next time im with theo.

oh shit.
condom with theo.

the night we did it i dont think we used any protection.
oh shit fuck fuck.

i dont get my periods anymore thanks to my mother teaching me a spell that makes them stop or be very light every few months. so i dont even know if i could be pregnant.

cheers mum.

i want to be a mum.
not yet though.

too young.

id be a better parent than mine.

knowing my luck id have twins.

cheers draco.

oh shit fuck fuck fuck.
not a wall. a person. ive walked into a fucking person.

"watch where youre fucking going asshole!" i shout not bothering to see who it was and began walking again.

"malfoy, i was going to find you yesterday but i didnt see you after potions"

i stop in my tracks.
harry fucking potter.

how could draco fancy this git.

"what do you want" i say looking at him now and moving a bit closer so we're not shouting across the hallway.

"i was curious about what you said"

"what did i say?"

"was you that fucked?"


"you know you don't always have to be so snappy." weasel.

"fuck off ginger i aint talking to you am i?"

"ronald! leave her alone." curly hair.

"always liked you hermione. i slapped draco after he called you a mudblood in second year and every time after that. hes a jealous git aboit you being smarter"

she shrugged with a small smile. shed be pretty if she looked after her hair properly.

"can i leave now?"

"no." "yes." the youngest weasley boy and potter spoke in unison.

"okay bye"




im sorry not sorry. i got bored so yh.
might update again later but for now this is it.

thank you for all the saves 🫶🏻🥳

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