Introducing the Wolves of Silvershade

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♡ Female.         ◇Male.

Silvermoon Pack-
Alpha- ♡ StormShade: Beautiful Gray and White wolf with striking green eyes
Omega( Alphas mate) ◇ Shadow: Black and Gray wolf with blue eyes
Beta- ◇Ember- Black wolf with amber eyes
Healer- ♡ Dusk- Small Brown wolf with green eyes
♡ Willow- Gray wolf with Blue eyes
Reed- Brown Wolf with green eyes
Feather- Gray and white wolf with blue eyes (Training: Marigolds)
Ravine- Pitch black wolf with blue eyes
Wild- Brown and white wolf with green
♡  Streak - Gtay wolf with Amber eyes
Queens: (Nursing or expecting)
Echoes- Gray and white wolf with blue eyes (Expecting Wild's Pups)
Dawn- Light Brown wolf with green eyes (Expecting Reed's Pups)
♡Marigolds- Golden brown wolf with amber eyes

Frostwind Pack:
Alpha - ♡ Winter: Majestic white wolf with ice-blue eyes
Omega - ◇ Frostbite: Silver and white wolf with crystal-clear blue eyes
Beta - ◇ Icicle: Pure white wolf with frosty blue eyes
Healer - ♡ Snow: Small and graceful gray wolf with teal eyes (Training Frost)
♡ Aurora: White wolf with shimmering blue eyes
◇ Glacier: Icy gray wolf with piercing silver eyes
♡ Blizzard: White wolf with a hint of silver and bright blue eyes"
◇ Avalanche: Massive white wolf with steel-blue eyes
Whisper - Pale silver wolf with gentle blue eyes (Nursing Glacier's Pups,◇Breeze, ♡Diamond, ◇Bark)
Crystal - White wolf with sparkling blue eyes (Expecting Icicle's Pups)
◇ Frost: Young white wolf with eager, curious eyes, Training to be a healer

Sunfire Pack:
Alpha - ♡ Solaris: Brilliant golden wolf with radiant amber eyes
Omega - ◇ Blaze: Reddish-gold wolf with fiery orange eyes
Beta - ◇ Ember:  intimidating Dark gold wolf with intense amber eyes
Healer - ♡ Sunbeam: Small cream-colored wolf with gentle hazel eyes
♡ Radiance: Shimmering gold wolf with warm brown eyes
◇ Phoenix: Red and gold wolf with piercing copper eyes
♡ Ray: Bright gold wolf with sparkling green eyes
◇ Flame: Deep red wolf with blazing yellow eyes
Dawnlight - Light gold wolf with soft blue eyes (Nursing Flame's Pups, ♡Dream, ♡FireBright, ♡Stars)
Sunset - Fiery red wolf with amber eyes
(Expecting Ember's Pups)
Sun- Golden brown wolf with amber eyes

BlazingSky Pack:
Alpha - ♡ Ignis: Majestic red and orange wolf with fiery amber eyes
Omega - ◇ Flames: Flame-colored wolf with intense golden eyes
Beta - ◇ Vulcan: Dark red wolf with blazing copper eyes
Healer - ♡ Sunny: Small golden wolf with gentle hazel eyes
♡ Aurora: Reddish-orange wolf with warm brown eyes
◇ Pyro: Bright flame-colored wolf with sparkling green eyes
♡ Flare: Intense red wolf with fierce copper eyes
◇ Magma: Deep crimson wolf with piercing amber eyes
Firelight - Fiery red and orange wolf with amber eyes (Nursing Pyro's Pups, ◇Finch, ◇ Scorch)
Scorch - Flame-hued wolf with vivid orange eyes (Expecting Vulcan's Pups)

The Wolves Of The Rivershade Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant