Potatoes shall perish (?)

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Crap, not this again, it had been following me for more than an hour while I was walking, this had happened the past 3 weeks. I had only told one person about these happenings of which I had been followed by this thing, Lirèn. I stopped walking and turned around, I wanted to confront the thing that was following me. I looked behind me to find nothing, as I turned back around, fear went on a rampage, coursing throughout my body. A demonic creature stood before me, its eyes staring into my soul, it moved like a smoky shadow. Spikes seemed to be jutting out of it all over its shadowy shape. The seemingly spirit disappeared before I could make out any other features. Before I could even think to run, it reappeared, something in its ghost-like hand. I started to back away slowly as I eventually realized it wasn't holding the item with a good intent, as it was in some sort of stance, fighting stance, I guess? I started to try and make a run for it, I spotted a metal glint as pain floods, replacing the fear. My vision fades and a sense of dread and darkness covers me.

A/N: Murder, and yes, the title is literally Potatoes shall perish. It's really short. But I don't have time to edit it.

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