No One Will Ever Belive You (Meme)

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*Third Person*
It's a peaceful day in the castle with everyone having free time to work on stuff, hopeful it doesn't get ruined. Allura is in her office, working on some diplomatic papers that leave her tapping her feet in annoyance. In the cadet's secret hide out, Vince is staring at the lion game that was made by his mentor, Pidge. Playing it with vigorous concentration that could last the whole rest of the day if not stopped.
From outside of the training room a big "whack" can be heard. Lance's face met the floor, leaving a good size bruise on his face. On the other cheek is another bruise that is going to form Larmina's strong kick that caused his fall. Lucky for Lance, it was a practice without the use of weapons. A larger bruise on his 'perfect' face could have happened.
On the outskirts of the castle, Keith has an uniformed pace to fill his rounds, doing his duty of making sure the castle is safe. Though, Keith claims it is his duty, even though there are guards who fulfill those kinds duties.
In the hunkyard, the sounds of metal being hammed and bent fills the air. Hunk is sweating from the hours of hard work that was put into one of his many small projects, later to be destroy to relieve built up stress.
In the hanger, there is tension in the air. Pidge's eyes glanced from Black's wired insides to Daniel, one of the sources causing them stress at the moment. They were given no warning that Daniel has to help them fix Black as punishment. Their hands tightened on the wires, pissed at Keith and Lance for doing this when they truly need to focus. Black was shot during the last mission, leaving a big hole which has been fixed but the wires still need fixing. Without the wires getting fixed, Black will be unusable.
The tension was finally broken as Pidge asked, "Are you just going to stand there and watch?" They stared at Daniel with their eyebrows showing the clear frustration they are feeling.
Daniel got off of the rails they were leaning on, making their way over to Pidge, "How can I if I don't know any of this techy stuff? I would probably end up messing something up and making it worse."
Pidge's eyes widened slightly, "I didn't think about that, and I know you wouldn't bother to listen to this stuff. I also don't care to explain it to you, since I really need to focus. This is a big energy problem Black is facing, I need to fix this before something happens. If Lotor or Wade attacks, Black won't have enough energy to fight, forming Voltron is not even an option." Pidge finished rant-explaining to Daniel, "So, get lost."
Daniel kneels to Pidge's level, "Nope," Pidge's head like an owl of the night, with the stared that strikes fear in Daniel's soul. Leaving Daniel nervously sweating, "I will get into even more trouble! Keith and Lance are going to have my head on a stick if they find out that I left during their punishment!"
Pidge let out a sigh, "If I inform them that I sent you away, will you leave?"
"Really? Of course!" They answered truthfully.
"Yes, I would. Punishments only really work if the person is actually doing something, which you clearly are not. You being here is a waste of time and a distraction," Catching their breath in case Lance says any nonsense about this, talking into their VoltCom,"Keith and Lance?"
Keith responded less than a second later, "Do you need something Pidge?"
Right after Keith, Lance answered with some attitude, "Did Daniel do something wrong?" Out of the corner of Pidge's eye, they could see Daniel wince at Lance's comment.
"I don't always do stuff wrong." Daniel whispered to themselves, thinking no one would hear. Clearly forgetting that Pidge is a ninja, trained to pick up on small sounds.
Pidge had to let out a sigh, "No Lance. Daniel didn't do anything wrong because there is nothing they can do. I'm under a time crunch, so I don't have the time to teach them about fixing Black. With that logic, I'm letting them go."
Keith being the understanding professional leader, "If that is what you think is best, Pidge."
"Should have checked with you first about this punishment little man, sorry. We will find a different punishment for Daniel later, probably cleaning the lions again, at least Black." With that the communication ended between the three.
Daniel let out a groan, feeling disappointed that they would have to waste more time later with a different punishment because Lance wasn't thinking.
"You're free to go Daniel, now please leave." Pidge waved Daniel off, finally getting back to fixing Black. They stared in frustration at this unfamiliar place in Black, they needed to or had the chance to look into this part of Black's insides. Having difficulty figuring out how to fix the wiring, sighing at the realization their going to be stuck doing this for probably hours.
Daniel leaned over Pidge's shoulder to see what they were sighing at. Many outlets fit for special kinds of wires, to the side on the floor is those previous wires all burnt up. Lucky, there were new wires put into place, but power still hasn't gotten to Black. "One thing before I go," Daniel points to one of the red wires that has been placed into one of the outlets, "This red wire is in the wrong outlet. It has to go to this outlet," Daniel moved to point to another outlet on the opposite side. "The outlet your using right now is not used for core, but rather the right leg. So, doing this will bring power to Black's core, fixing the problem."
After that, Daniel left quickly, leaving Pidge really confused. 'There is no way Daniel is right, they are talking nonsense.' Pidge thought to themselves, 'I mean, Daniel admitted to knowing nothing about this and I can't seem to figure this out. There is no harm in proving them wrong, it's only going to take me and few seconds to do that.' Pidge did exactly what Daniel said to do, believing nothing is going to happen.
Black jolted to life! Eyes glowing of blue for a quick second. Pidge fell back out of shock, 'Daniel was right!'
"Pidge, I heard Black! Did you fix the problem?" Keith asked through the volcom, excitement can be heard in his voice.
Pidge shakes their head, breaking out of their shocked state, "Yeah...I did."
"Daniel not being there must have really help, if you fixed the problem after they left." Keith lets out a small laugh, "Anyway, can you please come down to the meeting room? We have a new mission." Pidge's VoltCom went from blue light to the light turning off, meaning that the conversation is over.
As Pidge walks down the halls to the meeting room, they couldn't help but mumble their thoughts, 'What the fuck just happened? How did Daniel know it would fix the problem? Were they just lucky? Are they secretly smart? If that is the case then why are they acting dumb? The Daniel we know would probably brag about being smart. That means Daniel must be acting, but..why? Especially, revealing it to me. Their just messing with me, that's got to be it!' Pidge stopped walking, 'Daniel doesn't have the patience to wait that long, even to mess with someone.' Slowly, Pidge's eyes widened, 'What if...if Daniel is a traitor?'
Pidge's cheeks were red for a moment after slapping them, 'No! Listen to yourself Pidge! There is no way that Daniel is working with someone to betray us. They are dumb not dumb Daniel. Daniel can act, is smart, knew that Keith and Lance would not believe me if I said Daniel was the person to fixed Black. Daniel knew that no one would believe me if I said they are smart, definitely no one would believe me if I said Daniel is working against us. Is Daniel working with Wade? I mean, Wade won't want a student that's dumb like Daniel in his prestige academy, and yet Daniel somehow got into that academy on their own. So, does that mean Wade is 3 steps ahead of us?! Using Daniel as a spy because he knew we would not suspect Daniel. No! Calm down Pidge, Daniel won't reveal that their actually smart to me if they are working with Wade. Unless Wade has something else planned! Even if Daniel is not working with Wade, there is something wrong. I need to find out what Daniel is up to, what side Daniel is really on. I need to find the truth!'
"Pidge, really glad you're able to join us!" Keith said to Pidge, who just entered the meeting room.
"Glad I could join, what's the mission?" Pidge replied calmly, even though their brain was not. They took a seat at one of the chairs with the others as Keith explained the mission to the other paladins and the three cadets....and Coran for some reason. Why is he here?
"So I want Vince with Lance," Keith turned to look at Vince, "Lance will be able to get you close so you can use your powers on the core to take it out." Vince and Lance nods so Keith looks to the rest, "I want Larmina with Hunk, on the field taking out as many enemies as you can. Lastly, I want Daniel with Pidge so Daniel can use their speed to get to the computer and Pidge will talk to them over the Voltcom on what to do. Allura and I will cause a distraction for all of you. Got it?" Everyone nodded, "Let's go Voltron Force!"
Everyone ran to their loins, their minds focusing on this serious mission, except for one. Pidge tried their best to keep their head in the game, but the concern with Daniel kept popping into the forefront of their mind.

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