Andy's Apple Farm Headcanons

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A/N: These headcanons are for the characters in the game, they are not tied to the Eastwood family souls possessing the characters.

🍎 Andy:
- Andy has no idea how to comfort people so he just says "that's rough, buddy" but he's a good listener <3
- Andy throws rocks and sticks into the lake when he's mad (never takes it out on his friends or himself)
- Claustrophobic (fear of small spaces especially in the dark)
- Has trouble telling the others how he feels and opening up about his problems
- Goes along with his friends' pranks even if they're targeted at him, he just wants them to be happy even if it hurts his feelings (he's just like me fr)
- Cares more about his friends than he cares about his own feelings (he's a people pleaser)
- Peter wiped some of his memories of the barn incident but Andy still hates being alone in the dark (sometimes has hallucinations/dreams of demon entities and doesn't know why)
- Has a secret journal to record his thoughts, feelings, & dreams (has a fake journal in case his friends try to take it)
- Arospec 🤭 (don't ask why)

- Claus either teaches his friends how to play chess so it'll be fair, or takes advantage of them not knowing how to play to get free wins. There's no in between.
- Has the same outfit everyday in his closet (but it changes each season & depending on the holiday)
- Unspoken rizz/j
- Never late to anything (has multiple alarms set just to be safe)
- ✨Tea enthusiast✨ (makes his own tea sometimes for special occasions)
- Listens to classical music everyday
- LOVES the fall/autumn season <3 (just like me)
- Plays the piano with Melody
- Takes a lot of photos (he's a great photographer)
- Would listen to Lady Gaga songs on loop (mainly Poker Face & Bad Romance)
- Probably has a record collection

🤎 Margret:
- Sometimes makes black bean brownies for Felix without him knowing to trick him into eating healthier. (She does the same to the others)
- Sews the holes in clothes for the others when they need it
- Has a knitting set (makes sweaters, socks, hats, & mittens)
- Picks flowers for her friends <3/p
- The mom friend of the group
- The rational thinker
- Makes soup for her friends when they get sick

🐟 Felix:
- Just there for the vibes B)
- Wants to be a marine biologist someday
- Very oblivious
- Sleeps in the lake sometimes (except when it gets cold, then he has an actual house to go to)
- Often forgets things about his friends (their birthdays, likes, dislikes, etc)
- "Look at this cool rock/stick/leaf I found, you want it?"
- Says "radical" on a daily basis
- Has attempted to walk on water (and failed multiple times)

- Would be the best at playing DDR
- Wants to start a band with the others
- Loves star gazing (knows the most about planets) & meteor showers
- Always calculates when the next solar/lunar eclipse is to prepare for it
- Wants to study meteorites
- Wants to start a D&D session (she's the dungeon master)
- Studies Astronomy (has a lot of books on planets and stuff)

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