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It was a cool autumn morning in Sweden. Lilah had just woken up from her deep sleep. With her short, messy, wavy black hair, stunning gold glasses, bright hazel eyes, and fuzzy pajamas, she got out of bed. The sun had just risen, and the crows started cawing. The wind whistled and brushed the leaves up against the tree. Lilah is seven, a sweet little girl, but her parents divorced. Her mother tries her best, but she never has enough time for her little girl. Once Lilah's mother is at work, she takes her favorite book and sits against a cherry blossom tree. She sits there every day, but she is never alone. A golden retriever comes to sit with her. She named the dog Leaf. Leaf was just a puppy and, unfortunately, a stray, but they always kept each other company. Lilah couldn't take the dog in as their family was in no stable condition, but no matter what happened, Leaf would never leave her side.

Life never changed; only the years went by. Lilah's mother was still working continuously. She still grabbed her favorite book and sat by the tree every day, almost as if it were a calling. Through spring, summer, fall, and winter, nothing ever changed. Every day was the same, yet neither were sick of what they did. Slowly, the years progressed. Lilah is now 13, and Leaf is no longer a puppy. Lilah walked up to the tree once more, kissed Leaf on the forehead, and read. Soon the sun had set. "Lilah, dear! It's time to go!" her mother shouted. Tears flowed down Lilah's face. Leaf wondered what was going on—did she do something wrong? As Lilah got up and started walking away, Leaf tried to hold her back. Lilah gave her best friend one last hug and walked away. Tears filled Leaf's eyes as she walked away without looking back. The mother and the daughter were putting their belongings in the car. She had finally figured out what was going on. Leaf watched from afar as they pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. The lights in the house went out, and the door was locked for good. Leaf sat down by the tree without a friend and stayed.

Even more years go by. Lilah never came home. The poor golden retriever waited every day for her friend to return, but she never did. Leaf was tired and weak, but she never gave up! 10 years came and went; Leaf was in her final moments. Dying alone was her worst fear since she was born, but meeting Lilah changed her life. All of a sudden, a car pulled into the driveway. A woman got out of the car. Black hair, gold glasses. It was her! It was Lilah! She had finally come back! The spark in Leaf's eye that had faded finally came back. As Leaf used all of her strength to walk to Lilah, she collapsed. Lilah was running as fast as she could towards the tree. Leaf stood back up as tears of joy filled both of their precious hearts. Lilah was diagnosed with a terminal illness. This was her last day to live; she could go at any minute. Lilah hugged her dog. Lilah was coughing, and Leaf was weakened. Leaf could no longer stand. They both collapsed in front of the tree, dying. Hugging one another, they took their final breaths. One last kiss for Leaf and one last lick for Lilah After years of hope fading, they have finally been reunited for eternity.

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