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tw: mention of death, ed, abuse, sh

theo was miserable throughout the rest of the day constantly trying to smeak glances or talk to aurora. he never succeeded.

however it was their normal meeting time and he was in the room of requirements. hoping she would arrive so that they could talk it through.

hed loved that girl for far too long to loose her just as she becomes his.

thankfully she showed up. half an hour late but she still showed.



"no. im sorry for earlier. truely i am"

"its fine. youre right, this wont work without communication"

"but i shouldnt have acted the way i did"

"you was fustrated, i forgive you"

"can i- can i hug you?"

the two had been stood on opposite sides of the room looking at eachother as they spoke.

she nodded.

he moved to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"im sorry too, theo" she embraced him back, with her arms around his neck. "ill tell you whatever you want to know."

"you dont hav-"

she cut him off "i trust you"

"thank you"

"just- youre not allowed to worry. im fine"

"i'll always worry about you my love"

"lets sit down"

he nodded and picked her up. walking over to the sofa and sitting her down before sitting next to the blonde.

"where do i start"

"recent things"

"alright then- i was diagnosed with bulimia last week.."

"fuck rory" he ran a hand through his hair everything about meal times beginning to add up and wondering how he hadn't realised sooner.

she then carried on for about an hour telling him about the abuse she had been receiving for as long as she could remember, the pregnancy scare she had experienced a few weeks ago and all other little details she could remember about herself.


"i told you, youre not allowed to worry."

"and i told you i will"

"your turn"


"what fucked up shits happened to you"

"oh well um- you know that my mother died when i was young. she was pregnant with my little sister. happened when she gave birth and amber died a few weeks after"

"amber was your sister?"

"yeah. thats when my father turnt to the dark lord. started hitting me and blaming me for both of their passings"

"im listening" she climbed into his lap and played with his hair soothingly as he told her about his self harm that he had stopped 3 years ago and gave small details about his relationship with his father

"im proud of you theo, quitting is a big thing"

"thank you, im proud of you too"

the couple shared a soft kiss. salty from the tears both of them had shed in the last 2 hours

"no more secrets?" theo asked slightly nervous for whatever reason

"i promise"

"i do too"

she gave a small smile and leaned on his shoulder



"you told me you loved me last night"

"oh- um-"

he cut her off as she had to him. "i love you too."


happy chapter?

also i think ive failed my dance gcse 🥳 i love fucking up my own future

thank you for all the support !!

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