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christmas was approaching and fast. next week the school would be allowed home for 4 weeks to celebrate christmas as well as new years eve and day.

almost everyone was excited and happy to be returning home for the holiday.

aurora, draco and theodore were 3 of the people that were not.

aurora and draco would be going to france for the month. visiting family and hopefully getting blackout drunk to forget the pain they were expecting to feel.

until the daily profit arrived that morning.

headlines read: LUCIUS MALFOY SENT TO AZKABAN! is the man trustworthy or not? lucius malfoy arrested under suspicion of dark magic, child abuse and rape.

pansy read it outloud to the group once the paper was dropped infront of her. "what the fuck?" she looked between the twins sat opposite her.

both were looking back at the black haired girl with shocked expressions and happiness behind their eyes.

she continued to read "malfoys trial will be held on the 13th of december. if the man is found guilty of any of his accusations he will face himself 10 years of imprisonment and an additional year of house arrest"

"i feel sick." aurora shot up from the table and left the hall. theodore chased after her.

draco stared at the paper being held by pansy. "well. they were bound to find out sooner or later."

"so its true?" eleanor asked

"shut up." draco spat before standing and walking towards the teachers table. hearing the mutters of others pointing him out as lucius' son. he sneered at them before stopping infront of snape.

"have you heard?"

"i have. draco go back to your table and finish your breakfast"

"who told them?"

"how would you expect me to know?"

"fuck sake. sev i dont know what to do"

"follow me, boy" snape stood from the table and led the boy out of the hall and into his office.

draco took a seat and ran a hand through his hair. "we both know its all true"

"yes" snape sat down opposite the blonde. "where is your sister?"

"said she felt sick and left the hall" he dismissed the question then it hit him "oh fuck fuck fuck"

"anyone follow her?"

"theodore did, i think"

"nott? that boy is capable of dealing with her" snape took dracos shaking hand into his own "do you want a calming draught?"

"please?" he nodded

snape brought himself to his feet and looked on a shelf behind his desk, bringing a small vile over to the boy and allowing him to drink it. "better?"

"much. thank you."

"what are you worried about?"

"i dont even know! he's getting what he deserves."

"the rumors?"

"probably. oh for fucks sake the whole schools going to think me and rory are death eaters! we're going to be kicked out-"

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