Painkillers and Chains

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It was Saturday afternoon and I was on my way to the pharmacy to pick up some painkillers as someone bumped into me. My guide cane fell, as well as my bag. I could hear some of my belongings fall out and tried to find them by touch, but they seemed to be out of my reach for I couldn't feel them. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Let me help you." Someone said. I could only nod as I hoped to hear more. It was a female voice, and had sounded soothing and clear.
"Here is your bag, I've put everything back in there," the girl sang as I felt a hand wrap around my arm. She put the bag around my shoulder and giggled. "Here is your...stick-thingy."
I laughed as I got my cane back. "It's just called a white cane. But your improvisation sounded cute."
"Ah, that makes sense...and thank you for the compliment. Let me help you up." Soft hands grabbed onto my wrist and upper arm, supporting me as I got up. "Thank you."
"My pleasure. If I may ask, where are you going?" I smiled at her curiosity. For some reason I thought it was kind of cute. "The pharmacy."
"Ah, would you mind if I come with you?" She probably saw the confused look at my face, because she explained it right away. (Namjoon pabo, of course she saw it. She is not blind like you -.-)
"I know it might be a little weird...okay, very weird that a stranger wants to walk you to the pharmacy, but I have nothing else to do... and I'm kind of afraid that you'll get hurt."
I laughed. "You just met me, why would you be worried?"
"I don't know. I just feel a little protective of you now that you got hurt. I have that when I see children fall on the playground and they start crying, or when elders are crossing the street while carrying heavy bags. And you just fell, so what if that happens when you are crossing the street? You just seem so fragile and cute. So please let me walk with you." She waited for my response. "I should say no, just because you called me cute... but you are too adorable to say no to." I smiled at her and heard her laugh as she linked arms with me. We walked to the pharmacy together and she even walked me back home, where we traded phone numbers.

We started texting each other a lot and hung out together a few times. (Yes I can text because my phone reads my incoming messages out loud.) After a few weeks we shared our first kiss. After the kiss I asked her to be my girl. "I thought you'd never ask Joonie," she had cutely giggled before kissing me again.


"Joon-ah, you better hurry up! I don't want to miss our flight!" _____ called from downstairs.
"I'm coming jagi!" I yelled back before rushing down. "Yah, be careful!" She said and grabbed my arm. She handed me my folded white cane and opened the door. "Namjoon, you wait here as I bring the bags to the car, arasso?" She grabbed my hands and kissed my cheek. I let my hands travel up over her arms, to her face. "Hmm, you better hurry and come back before I start missing you, Mrs. Kim." I hummed against her lips as I softly kissed them. "Idiot." She chuckled.
"And I'm all yours." I responded jokingly as I let go of her face.
"Yes, you better be, I don't like sharing." She said before she left to bring our luggage to the car.
A bit sooner than I had expected, I heard her come back and tug on my arm. I smiled and followed her. "So you did hurry for your husband. That deserves a kiss." I told her as I pulled her close, but she slightly pushed me away. "Joonie...please just get in the car." She sounded like she was about to cry. "Baby, what's wrong?" I didn't get any response. Instead someone roughly pushed me into a van. The door was already slammed shut behind me before I could get up. First there was a male voice, "I don't need you." And a second after that a gun was fired. "J-jagi?" I whispered, as if she could hear me. I ended up crying myself to sleep in that van, not knowing what had exactly happened. I could only guess... the love of my life had been killed because I am such an easy target. And it was only fair to blame myself.

Weeks passed and I still didn't know what they wanted. I was in some kind of place where it didn't matter how much noise I made. They didn't care if I screamed so I guess that no one has heard me. But it could have been worse. There was this girl with them that brought me food and washed me. She had soft hands and a sweet voice. And one night, she told me with a soft giggle: "I think I've fallen in love with you, Joonie."
A confession had never hurt as much as hers. Joonie. How I had longed to hear that bittersweet nickname again, but to hear it formed by someone else's lips...
The wedding ring around my finger suddenly burned my skin. I missed ____ so much and all the guilt I had learned to bare, hit me like never before. But I laughed it off and told that girl she was cute, but I was a married men and wriggled my fingers so her eyes would focus on the ring. She left short after that, no more words said.
The next day she came again. "I'll get you out." She promised and instead of feeding me, she took off the chains around my ankles and wrists. "Follow me." She took my hand and pulled me with her. We ran as fast as we could.
"Stop!" I heard one of my kidnappers yell. Suddenly someone grabbed onto my shirt which caused me to trip. Pain shot through the back of my head, all the way to my eyes. But I got dragged forward and I stumbled and tripped my way through the halls until the girl slowed down and I heard a door open. I felt a soft breeze hit my skin and I realized I was getting light headed. "Get in here," the girl said and pulled me into a car.
As soon as I had pulled the car door shut I felt myself slip away.


This it part 1

I'll post part 2 as soon as I get a few readers. :p

I personally really like this one, I worked hard on it and took me long to write, but I am pretty content with it.

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