the forest.

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aurora couldnt find draco. she checked basically everywhere she could think of.

so instead she went outside and a few feet into the forbidden forest. she had been there many of times but recently she had been a bit distracted with theo.

however her rope swing she had magically created was still hanging from a tree. the blonde took a seat and lit a cigarette from the box she kept in the bottom of her bag.

she hummed a quiet song to herself as she gently swung herself and smoked her thoughts away from her father.

a twig snapped from behind her, making her jump and turn quickly.

"whos there?"

she drew her wand ready to attack whatever had been behind her.

a hand reached around her head from behind and covered her mouth. she screamed into the hand.

"shhh dont scream bloody murder"

she could recognise that voice anywhere. she pryed the hand away from her mouth and turnt to face the boy who lived.

"why the fuck are you here?" she questioned

"why are you here?"

"its my quiet place"

"i was expecting to find you with your brother"

"couldnt find him"

"me either"

"you looked for him?"


"how did you know where i was then?"

"oh-" he held up a peice of parchment.

"what the fucks that supposed to mean?" she took a long drag of her cig before stubbing it out on the tree and throwing it to the floor

"its a map"

"wow so interesting"

"shut up sarky"

"what does that mean"

"it means youre a sarcastic twat"

"thanks potter"

he rolled his eyes and pointed his wand to the parchment, "i solemnly swear i am up to no good" the parchment changed from plain to scattered with foot prints and names all over the place.

"what does it do?"

"allows me to see anyone on the school grounds, youre just on the border"

"i know"

"my father and his friends made it when they were in school"


"oh i actually dont know, let me ask my dad when i see him over the holidays"

"oh shut up sarky" she mocked


"i thought so"

"anyways. i cant find d- malfoy on here anywhere"

"call him by his name."


"he hates being called malfoy. both of us do"

"wonder why"

"the whole wizarding world now knows why"

"so its true"

"half truth"

"whats the lie? that he raped someone?"

she shook her head

"child abuse?"

again, she shook her head

"so your father isn't involved in voldemort or any dark magic for that matter?"


"yes he is or yes im right?"

"youre right"



"whod he rape?"

"none of your business potter. itll be in the headlines soon enough. when he spills his secrets under the influence of veritaserum."

"was it someone you know?"

she nodded

"was it your mother?"

"no. can you stop with the questions?"


"my turn. why was you looking for my brother?"

"wanted to apologise."

"about what?"


"specifics, potter"

"oh my god. i was going to tell him im sorry for being an arse and horrible when he had done nothing to deserve a retaliation that time"

aurora just shrugged "okay"

"is that it? just okay?"

"what do you want me to do? whip out the sword of gryfindoor and knight you for owning up to your homophobic comments?"

"wait what? homophobic? i wasnt- i didnt mean- im litterally bi!"

"did you just come out to me potter?"


apparently i like filler chapters ?

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