Five: Point of Origin. Part Two.

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Still with Bobby, he was sitting next to the priest...

"The super never mentioned who was using the apartment. Guess he didn't want any trouble." Bobby said.

"I don't understand. How does a... a space heater cause a fire like that?"

"The building was a death trap. Nothing to code. Cheap, flammable facade materials acted as an accelerant. The sprinklers weren't hooked up." Said Bobby.

"You never noticed?"

"No. Maybe now, sober, I would, but... I choose to disappear. Lived on pills and vodka for two years. 148 people died in that fire, including... I killed them. My own kids, my own family. I murdered them in their sleep. Choked 'em on smoke, and I burned their little bodies." Bobby says, crying softly.

"Such a burden. Such a burden, and you've been carrying this all by yourself all this time."

"It's not the kind of story I want to share." Bobby said.

"With your friends? And your coworkers?"

"With your friends? And your coworkers?"

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"I'm their leader. They have to trust me enough to follow me into situations where their lives are at risk. There's no room... for them to doubt me." Bobby tells him.

"You made a mistake, Bobby. Every church is built on the possibility of human redemption."

"God forgives more easily than people do." Bobby says.

"Bobby, you know, if you don't trust your friends to see and know you for who you are... honestly, completely... then you don't really have any friends. Give them a chance. You're allowed to be human."

"I just miss 'em so much." Bobby said.

Later, Hen was sitting on a bench with her wife while Denny played in the park...

"You about ready to tell me what's bugging you?"

"You're not gonna like it." Hen says.

"Something's bugging you; I don't expect to like it. What is it?"

"Eva called. She's up for parole." Hen said.


"She asked me to speak on her behalf at the hearing." Hen tells her.

"Good. You can tell the parole board she's nothing but trouble, and she needs to stay locked up and out of our lives. Out of Denny's life."

"Baby, I hear you; I do, but I really think she's made an effort this time. She's trying." Said Hen.

"Have you been to see her? Can't believe this. She's not even out yet, and she's already got you sneaking around."

"Karen, that's not fair." Hen tells her.

"Did she even ask about Denny?"

"Sort of, in passing." Said Hen.

"She doesn't give a crap about him."

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