Chapter 3 Pt. 2

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After I put Ender back in his stall, I rushed back inside to see Zac coming from the basement. In his hands were gauze wrap, disinfectant, and towels. "Do we not have anymore healing potions?" I asked, taking the towels from his hands.

"No but I'm going to make some tomorrow. C'mon. We've got to get the arrow out of your 'friends' back before they get infected."

I nodded and followed my brother up the stairs to the bedroom where the man was laying on his stomach, shirtless. I felt my breath fall short when I saw the scars running along his back. My eyes traced over each one, distracted by how they laid over his muscles, when Zac pulled me from zoning out.

"Ada, if you can't do this, that's okay. I know you aren't a huge fan of blood."

I shook my head, walking to the other side of the bed. "No. I found him, I'm going to help him."

Zac nodded and I could see the relief in his eyes. Neither of us were a huge fan of blood but that wouldn't stop us from getting the job done it might just... delay it a bit. (Totally not me trying to show hesitation in her voice 😂)

I held the towels as Zac gripped the first arrow. "You ready?" He asked.

I nodded and Zac placed both hands on the arrow, counting down to 1. When he reached 1, he yanked the arrow out and I applied as much pressure on the wound as I could, using the towel to soak up the blood.

When Zac pulled out the second arrow, I shoved the towel over the wound, putting as much pressure as I could muster. After a few more minutes, I carefully removed the towels, trying not to gag at the sight of the blood.

"I'll be right back." I said, leaving the room with the bloodstained towels. Going to the basement, I set the towels in a wash bin, filling it with water and grabbed some chemicals to clean them out and prevent the blood from staining.

After I washed both towels so they were clean, I hung them up and made my way back to the room and, for the second time in the same night, I felt my breath fall short.

Zac had finished wrapping our guest and had him laying on his back, probably to help apply more pressure to the wounds.

But there were so many scars littering his abdomen, almost as many as the ones on his back. And his muscles...

I kept staring until I sneezed, my eyes being drawn away. Zac turned to look at me and gave a small chuckle. I wasn't dripping wet, but I wasn't dry either. "Ada, I'll finish up here. You go get changed into warm clothes. I can't have you getting a cold."

I nodded, wrapping my arms around myself to try and preserve some bodily heat. When I got to my room, I stepped into the attached bathroom and got ready for a shower. After through my clothes into the corner and turning on the warm water, I stepped into the water, shivering as it ran down my body.

~~~• time skip brought to you by me being uncomfortable with these scenes lol •~~~

After I had gotten into some fuzzy pjs, I turned off my bedroom light and slid under the covers. For a few minutes, my mind wandered to the mysterious man in our guest room.

But my main question was how he got in the predicament he was in.

That was the last thing on my mind before I fell asleep.


Hi everyone!

I know this one was a week late, and I'm so so so so so so sorry this was late. I've been really busy lately with school and Marching Band but, good news, my Marching Band season is almost over so, once it is, I'll have more time to write!

Also, my birthday is soon! It's 5 days from today on November 5th!

This was 716 words long, including the A/N note.

Also, if you want to have a character in the book, you can comment that you want one and we'll privately chat about it.

See you next week!


The Goddess of Emotion (Herobrian x Reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now