[- 1. Start of a Journey. -]

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*I just saw a yt short and I kinda wanted to make it into a story that I might hate.*

I've been on the run my whole life. I'm Xian, Xian Thorensen. It all started with this necklace that's been in my family for generations. Now, It's finally my turn to protect it from our rivals, The counter fields who want the necklace for their own family, yet, I won't make it easy for them. I never stay in the same place for long. I was quite the independent type. smart, fast, and all that stuff.

I secretly walked into my uncle's office as I looked around. As I entered, I gazed at all the gadgets and materials, My uncle was sitting right on his seat as his fingers danced along the keyboard. My uncle George was known for his wise, yet intelligent aura.

Xian: "Uncle, I have arrived just like you asked me to. Where is my next hiding location?" My Uncle George pushed his glasses upwards and stared at me with a slight smile. He cleared his throat.

George: "I'll be sending you to a high school." My eyes widened at the order, An inaudible gasp came right out of my mouth.

Xian: "A HIGH-SCHOOL?" I tilted my head in confusion. He put a finger to his lips, gesturing for me to calm down and be quiet.

George: "It will be good to blend in for kids your own age. And, the Counterfields would not find you there so easily."

Xian: "What is high school even like..?" My uncle stared at me.

George: "Your parents never sent you to *sigh* okay- I'll have to talk with them later. I'll bring you there tomorrow as I already enrolled you. You're an intelligent boy, You've dodged the Counterfields many times!" I gave a small smile at the compliment. Yeah, Yeah I can do this! Just... act like a normal boy at school. Got it. "Your sister will be with you to help you blend in."

My youngest (adopted) sister, Alexia walked into the room. She gave me a jealous look.

Alexia: "It's still not fair why HE gets the heirloom! I wanna protect it as well." Our uncle sighed.

George: "Alexia, your skills are nowhere near as well as Xian's, He is also the eldest. You will get the heirloom when it is your time. I promise." He said reassuringly.

Alexia: "Humph! I'm only gonna help him because I don't want him to let the Counterfields get the heirloom." She crossed her arms. Alexia was known for her sassy, yet mischievous personality in our family. Her messenger bag vibrated as she took out her phone."I'll be right back, my friend Lexi is calling me."

George: "Remember, Alexia. Don't tell anyone about our secret, our heirloom, or anything." He shot an expression of worry towards her.

Alexia: "Yeah, Yeah! I know." George sighed as he turned to me.

George: "I'll drop you off at the school tomorrow. I expect you to get good sleep, and be ready." He gestured for me to leave his office and I nodded, turning my back and walking out of his office.


As I was sleeping peacefully, my brother jumped on my chest and my other brother jumped on my bed, both pulling off my blanket.

"Xiu, Tao! What the hell?!" I said, startled as I sat up and grabbed both of their ears. They whimpered.

Tao: "Uncle said to wake you up!" My eyes widened as I realized what day it was. It was my first day of school.

Xian: "Right." I said, letting go of their ears and hopping off my bed. I grabbed a brush and brushed my tangled, shoulder-length, black hair. I looked back at the twins on my bed, glaring at him if they didn't get off my bed. They caught my glare and quickly hopped off, running out of my room, hastily. After I finally finished, I walked out of the room with a mature style. Mocha-colored blazer, black shoes, white fingerless gloves, dark brown pants, and a light-colored brown shirt. I moved my black hair out of my face that covered my dark brown eyes and headed towards my Uncle who was standing near the doorway. He smiled at me as I got there.

He opened the door leading outside. I waited for him as he unlocked his car, He opened the car door for me as well. As I got inside the backseat, he got into his seat and started to drive. I stared out the window as my uncle stopped. I saw a similar face peeking outside the bushes. My eyes widened as I remained fixated on the face in the bush. I knew it, Ryker Counterfield.

Xian: "Uncle, a member of the Counterfields is spotted. I reckon you start driving soon as soon as the light hits green." My uncle nodded and pressed the accelerator as the light turned green. Thankfully there weren't any cops around. I looked back to see if that counterfield was following us. Surprisingly, he wasn't. I tucked the necklace into my shirt to cover it.

I hate that specific counterfield. I don't know why but I feel weird inside whenever I see him. I hate it.

after a while, I saw another counterfield. Jessica Counterfield. She was easy to notice because of her blond wavy hair and emerald eyes. Crap! did he contact others? Luckily, My uncle got out of their sight by turning a sharp right. I sighed with relief and slopped down onto my seat as it was taking a while.

Xian: "When will we be there?" I asked with curiosity.

George: "In about six minutes." I groaned quietly to myself. After long minutes of driving, we finally got to Redwood High, I looked out the window and stared at the beauty. I grabbed my bags. "Xian, here are your class schedules. You will act like a normal teenage boy, got it?" I nodded. "Good, I knew you would understand." He smiled.

Xian: "Yes, sir. I will make sure this necklace is safe with me." I said as my uncle nodded his head. I hopped out of the car and ran into the school.


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