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"What do you remember from before this all happened?"

You were just asked this, yet it feels like the question had been on your mind for ages. When you finally find your voice, you're able to share your story

"I was a part of Octavio's army, we were defending our territory when something appeared... a monster, towering over even the taller octarians" You say, shakily remembering the past events, looking up to the four who had brought you here. A grey and green hair'd inkling, a black and pink tentacle'd inkling, and two yellow inklings, one wearing a cape and hat, the other wearing yellow hero gear, and is the only one armed... but not violent. If anything, they looked the most welcoming, second to maybe the pink one, who looked like she was having trouble keeping quiet

"We were defending ourselves as it attacked us, I had my favorite weapon on me, yet..." You look down at your hands, still holding onto your weapon... (Up to you what it is) Your grip tightened, but relaxed upon feeling the fake snow you were sitting on

"We were no match, out ink had no effect, and with each attack we were... changed, i looked around to see my own allies drenched in an odd ooze, that made them stop fighting and become..." You trailed off, tilting your head down to show your fuzzified tentacles "I was the last of my splatoon standing, the rest already effected"

"And what do you remember after that?" The questioning inkling, the grey and green one, asked you.

"Not much" you respond, trying to remember what came after... without much luck

"It's all... fuzzy"

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