Ramen Noodle Lovers (Naruto/Kagome)

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Requested by Zara1016

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and Inuyasha.

Pairings: Naruto/Kagome

This is Rated T

"Man, what a long day of mission!" Naruto let out an exhausted sigh as he walked beside his girlfriend Kagome to the entrance gate.

"Yeah, tell me about it, Naru. If we didn't finish the mission, Tsunade will be pissed." Kagome said, glancing over her right shoulder at him.

"Hey, Kags. Wanna say if we could get ramen noodles for dinner?" Naruto asked with his left eye winking at her.

"But, Naruto, aren't you going to eat something else besides ramen noodles? You got plenty!" Kagome scolded her boyfriend.

"Oh, come on, Kaggy! Please!" Naruto pleaded with her.

She folded her arms together and looked away from his face. "Absolutely not!"

"Please! I'll eat something healthy, so I won't buy more ramen noodles!" Naruto said.

"I don't fall for that," Kagome said, looking away. "You still have plenty, so you won't be having them more."

"Hey, you're the one who had noodles with your friend Inuyasha!" Naruto said, feeling jealous of Inuyasha being close friends with Kagome. "You never got to spend time with me at the Ramen Ichiraku!"

Now she felt bad for him. She guessed she didn't get a chance to spend time with Naruto because of the mission she went out with Team Eight. She felt like she was a terrible girlfriend who never spent time with her boyfriend.

She let out a sigh in defeat, now facing him. "Okay, Naru. Let's go get something to eat, but you'll have to eat something else."



"Naruto! Kagome! Come on in!" Teuchi said, seeing the two love birds coming in. He faced them and said, "Two noodles as usual?"

"As usual," Kagome said, nodding.

"Coming right up!" Then Teuchi went to the kitchen and made some noodles.

Kagome let out a sigh. "Man, I haven't eaten noodles for a while."

"Well, you haven't eaten those for two weeks," Naruto said, pointing it out.

"I can't help it!"

He let out a smirk as he eyed her. "I knew you would want noodles for dinner because you couldn't help it."

"Shut up! I blamed Inu for this!" Kagome argued.

"Yeah, right. Probably you want more noodles than me." Naruto said, still grinning.

"Naru!" Kagome wailed as she blushed heavily.

He giggled after seeing her flutter. "See! This is actually why you've been hiding stuff from me! I love seeing your face!

She gave him an annoying look. "Well, Uzumaki, I am not the only one who is a ramen noodle lover and I am so blaming you both for having another noodle."

"Not my fault," Naruto replied.

"Order up!" Teuchi then brought the two bowls of ramen noodles and gave them both before taking a break.

"Thank you, Teuchi!" Naruto said, grinning.

"You are welcome," Teuchi said.

"Let us dig in!" Naruto said before eating.

She sighed, fluttering in embarrassment. She began to eat some as well. "I am so stuck eating noodles with you, Uzumaki."

"And I love you, too, Kags," Naruto said, winking his left eye at her. She guessed that both she and Naruto were stuck in the restaurant eating noodles as they were ramen noodle lovers.

A/N: Oh, my God. It has been a long time since I haven't watched Naruto/Kagome YT videos. And, oh, my God, I was finally able to write Naruto/Kagome one shot. Thank you for the inspiration, Zara. It has been a long time since September of 2019 when I used to love Naruto/Kagome a lot. By the way, I will write more of the pairings as you requested.

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