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Tari looked at the house, she had tried the door but it was locked so she had to do the best next thing, the window. Her eyes and LED slightly glowed in the night as she tried to open the window. Locked. Tari thought for a moment before deciding, she knew Meggy will dislike the broken window but she needs to know about the case. She backed up before running towards the window, driving in as the glass shattered. She got up and dusted herself off.

Hearing the glass shatter woke her up. Meggy quickly got out of bed and grabbed her gun that was on the nightstand. "Oh now this fucker wants to play..." she stuttered through her panicked yet angry voice. She slowly made her way to the room where the source of the sound was, she could hear its footsteps getting closer, she took a shakey breath before coming into view and shot at the figure, it dodged. "Meggy it's me!" The figure quickly headed to the light-switch and turned it on. It was Tari, but this time she was in a police uniform. Meggy blushed slightly but shook her head. "What the Fuck Tari?! I could have blown off your head!!" She shouted, placing the gun down on the counter, away from her trembling hand. "Apologies Meggy, but I was looking through that one case you been on lately and i wanted to ask you some questions" Tari explained but she soon noticed what Meggy was wearing. Meggy was wearing sweatpants and her jacket. "Were you sleeping in my jacket?" Tari couldn't help but smile a bit, Meggy's face turned red as she sat down. "S-so what? It's comfortable.." Tari sat down with her on the couch. "So.. I hope you don't mind if I ask some personal questions" Meggy thought for a moment. "... no I don't mind, besides I think it needs to be talked about..." Meggy fidgeted with her hands, only for Tari to gently hold them. "Hey... just let me know when it gets too much.. okay..?" Meggy blushed a bit and nodded.

"Okay... does SP100 have a name? Or something he calls himself?"

"Y-yeah.. he called himself Wren.. or "One Shot Wren".."

"Has he ever should any acts of violence and hate towards you before he turned deviant?"

"No he was really kind, I-I don't know why the sudden change when he did"

"Okay... what do you think what caused him to go deviant?"

Meggy thought for a moment, her hands still trembling as anxiety began to wrap around her like a snake. "I... I honestly don't know... we were on this case and we spilt up... when I found him that's when..."



" D r a w "

Tari quickly sensed Meggy's heartbeat rising, and her breathing very heavy. She was about her hug her when-

"be careful detective. I can easily replace you if things get... complicated."

Tari just looked at the trembling woman as her LED flashed a yellow color. "Thanks for answering my questions Meggy... is there anything I can do for you?" Meggy shook her head no. "C-Can you just stay... for the rest of the night..?" Tari's LED went back to its normal blue color. "Of course Meggy,"

It was 5 in the morning when 3 woke up. He stretched as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He saw the empty spot next to him. "Hm.. must have already gone to work..." he got up from his bed and walked over his dresser to grab the clothes he needed for the day, his leg started to ache once he finished changing. He slightly winced as he limped over to his cane, using it to lean on as he walked. He went to the kitchen to make himself a coffee, he thought he heard some footsteps behind him but when he turned around, there was nothing. "Amaya..? Was that you?" He questioned, expecting his daughter to respond but got nothing. "... must be hearing things..." he joked to himself nervously, he grabbed a mug and placed it in the coffee machine and turning it on. When his coffee was finished, he heard the footsteps again. "Amaya what are you doing up this early" he was about to turn around when a figure put him in a choke hold, he dropped his mug, hearing the mug shatter as he kicked and yelled, trying to elbow the figure so he can get away. Only for a peice of cloth to cover his nose and mouth, his vision quickly fading as his body went limp. The figure chuckled. "That's step one.." his voice box glitched and stuttered. He heard a faint voice and quickly picked up the limp man and headed out the door, only turning to see the little girl, he placed his finger on his lips. "Shhhh..."

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