Forever friends....

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Jennifer sat on the wall. It had been a long day and an even longer night.

Now, she was home. She was done replaying the previous 48 hours, suffice it to say she never wanted to go through that again. In the warm peach of dawn, she watched the sunrise. Fingers of light inched their way over the treetops, up the slope towards her. Day followed night. Hope followed despair.

It was cool but not cold. After a sleepless night, tired to the bone, she still shivered. Exhausted emotionally and physically, she longed for the one thing she couldn't have. Arms. To hold her, to tell her everything would be ok. To stroke her back, to hold her tight. To protect her from a world she wasn't yet ready for.

She pulled her phone out and Googled nearby cafés. None that were, as yet, open. She loved this park. She'd spent many happy afternoons here over the years. The view was to die for - an uninterrupted green vista down from the hill she now occupied to the bustling city. Sitting on the low wall looking down, she was both comforted and bereft at the same time. If only she had someone to share it with.

Standing, she stretched and looked around. The park was quiet, just a few dog walkers and some runners. Slowly, she made her way down the hill. As she neared the black iron gates that had guarded it for a hundred years, she saw a familiar figure jogging away down the road front of her. He turned off the main road and she lost sight of him.

She smiled. She'd seen him many times. Tall, lean, with an athlete's easy grace. Maybe one day she would be brave enough to say hello.

Turning right, she walked towards the nearest cafe from her list. It was just opening as she approached. Looking at her watch, she saw it was a couple of minutes before 7am. The girl raising the shutters looked up and smiled.

"Two minutes?" She had a pleasant face and a bright smile.

Before she could answer, a soft, deep voice behind her answered, "No problem, we're not in a rush... are we?"

Turning, Jenny looked straight into the eyes of her favourite jogger. Her mouth dropped open, and her mind deserted her. "No..." she whispered.

"Tom... Tom Hiddleston... pleased to meet you, darling." He held out his hand, and she grasped it, barely functioning.

"Jennifer. Jennifer Grey." She smiled like a simpleton and there was an awkward pause while she tried to remember to breathe.

"Do you want to go in? I don't think that we'll get served from out here?" He laughed softly and guided her inside.

The cafe was small, just four little tables and a counter. The girl behind the counter smiled, Tom was a regular customer, and she was used to his gorgeous smile at all times of the day.

"Usual Tom?" She asked cheerily, and he nodded.

"Yes, please, Annie, and whatever Ms Grey is having. On me, love. You seem in need?" His charm was natural, his concern genuine. From anyone else, it might have seemed a tad creepy, but from Tom? It was a dream come true.

"Do you have a Chai Latte?" Jenny asked with a shy smile.

"Coming right up. Why don't you take a seat and I'll bring them over?" Annie smiled and turned away to begin.

"Good idea, let's sit...?" He indicated one of the little tables away from the door.

"Please, call me Jen." She virtually crawled to the table, a seething mess of emotion.

"Only if you agree to call me Tom?" He smiled and grasped her hand as she sat, raising it to his lips. "This is a particularly pleasurable way to end today's purgatory!" He winked, and she laughed.

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