Chapter 1

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Bon Temps is my home but right now I don't feel safe ever since the vampires came out of their coffins or so to speak. I've always liked vampires, witches, and basically all things supernatural, and I always wished it was real but now that I've found out it has made me jumpy. I pulled myself out of my thoughts. I looked at my watch I had to hurry and get to work. I put on some denim shorts and Merlotte's T-shirt. I work at Merlotte's Bar and Grill with Sookie although I usually have day shifts and Sookie has night shifts. I quickly walked down the stairs and almost ran into my brother Jason.

"Now hold on a damn minute were are you off to in such a hurry?" Jason asked and mowed me into the kitchen. There were pancakes, eggs and bacon on the table. Sookie was already eating and Gran was on the phone.

"Jason, I have to go to work," I exclaimed.

"Yeah, Yeah now hold on how are you supposed to work all day without any food in your stomach," he said.

"He might be pushy Lydia but he is right. It's not healthy to skip breakfast," Sookie said.

"Thank you Sookie," Jason said glad that she sided with him.

Groaned and took a pancake on my plate and ate it as fast as I could. Gran got off the phone she looked shocked.

"Maudette Pickens was killed last night," She said shocked.

"What?!" Jason said panicked.

Sookie looked at Jason trying to figure out if he knew something about it. Sookie, Jason and I are all telepaths. Although Sookie is more prominent in reading minds. Jason can feel others' emotions and I have visions sometimes it's about the past and sometimes it's the future.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" Sookie asked him. Trying to pry into his mind.

"Shit! I have to go," I said and looked at my watch again.

"I'll drive you," Jason said hastily.

The drive over to Merlotte's was quiet when we were finally there Jason finally spoke

"I'm glad you didn't ask me whether or not I have something to do with it," Jason said.

"Look, Jason, I know you and I don't believe that you are a killer," I said.

"Thanks, sis," He said and smiled. Although there was something about him like he was doubting himself.

"Jason, did you sleep with Maudette?" I asked. Jason looked guilty. He knew I was asking because he had also slept with my best friend Dawn.

"Look Lydia, I know what you must think of me and it's no secret that I am popular with the ladies. I feel sorry that you feel stuck in the middle of things," He said. I got teary eyes but pulled myself together.

"It's fine Jason," I said and hugged him goodbye.

During my shift, my boss Sam called me into his office. Sam looked thoughtful like he didn't know how to phrase what he was going to say.

"Sam? What is it?" I asked concerned.

"I'm not sure how to say this but, Jason was arrested. I understand if you might want to take the rest of the day off," He said with concern in his voice and put his hand on my shoulder. My brows furrowed in confusion. I looked at him with disbelief.

"Why? Why do they think it's him? I asked not understanding it.

"I don't know, I told Sookie to stay home, but she told me she is still coming in," he said.

"I' don't have much time left before my shift ends, and I am fine, I'll stay till it ends," I said and walked out of his office and continued to work.

When I got home I went into the kitchen to see Gran cooking.

"Lydia," she said smiling and pulled me into a hug.

"Gran, Jason was arrested," I said hugging her.

"I know sweety," she said and caressed my hair.

We sat down and ate dinner together. After dinner, Dawn called and asked me to go to a bar in Shreveport and said she would pick me up after work. She just had to stop by her home and get ready first.

Gran and I decided to watch a movie together as I still had time before Merlotte was about to close. After the movie, I went upstairs took a nice warm shower and dried my hair.

I walked into my room and looked through my closet for something to wear. I decided on a light blue dress with spaghetti straps and matching blue heels. Then I put my makeup and perfume on. I walked over and looked at myself in my mirror. I curled my long blonde hair and then put on a silver bracelet and some dangling earrings.

I heard a car pull up and hurried down the stairs.

It must be Sookie, I thought to myself as Dawn had to go home before she came. When I came Downstairs Sookie was in the kitchen with Gran talking.

"Hi Sookie," I said.

"Oh hi, Lydia. Well, you look awfully nice, were are you off to?" She asked.

"Dawn asked me to go to a bar in Shreveport," I said and smiled.

"Well why don't you girls sit down I'll make some tea and we can eat some pie while you're waiting for your friend," Gran said.

After about thirty minutes we heard a car pull up. seconds after someone knocked on our door.

"I should go, I'll see you in the morning," I said to Gran and Sookie.

"Have a nice time sweetie," Gran said.

"Don't get into any trouble," Sookie said.

I walked outside Dawn was standing there looking excited like she couldn't wait to get going.

"You look amazing," she said with a big smile.

"So do you," I said and smiled. Dawn was wearing a black dress and black heels. She had curled her long dark hair as she usually did.

We got into her car and drove over to Shreveport.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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