bright idea.

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the group had arranged to meet up that evening. to talk and play truth or dare like they used to.

to talk about lucius.

always a joy.

aurora had a bright idea.

really bad idea to everyone else.

she had invited the golden trio to join them at 7pm in the room of requirements.

why? less talk of lucius if theyre there.

and who knows? they might be a laugh

it was 7pm. aurora and theo had been in the room for about half an hour, snogging as per usual.

the door opened and aurora swore she had never moved so fast in her life.

"are we early or something where the bloody hell is everyone?" ronald billius weasley. prat.

"oh just sit down. no one knows youre coming" aurora complained and gestured to the arrangement of chairs

"right" harry spoke, sitting down with ron next to him and hermione next to ron. the three sat awkwardly together.

"are you two dating?" granger asked suddenly

"um- no?" theo and aurora said at the same time both slightly unsure in their words

"right..." harry replied

"is that all youre going to say tonight, potter?" theo rolled his eyes


the rest of the group walked in, moments later. holding small vials of veritaserum or alcohol.

"why the fuck are they here aurora."

"dear brother why do you assume i invited them?"

"because theo cant fucking stand them?"

"not true. i tolerate them"

draco huffed and rolled his eyes

"you alright babe?" pansy asked, kissing auroras cheek as she sat down next to her. she just nodded in response

"thought if they were here we wouldnt have to answer questions about daddykins"

"worst idea youve ever had because theyll still ask questions and you know it" draco sighed

"oh well. lets get started shall we" enzo spoke as he placed the last of the bottles in the centre of the circle they were arrnged into before he took the last free seat.

"how do we play?" harry asked

"someone will ask you truth or dare, if you pick dare you have to do it, forfit is shots. if you pick truth, you drink a vial of veritaserum, forfit is more shots" mattheo replied

"how many shots?" granger questioned, sounding worried

"depends on the task or question. small things are usually just 1, no more than 5 at once otherwise rory would just pass all the time and drink her way through the game" pansy snickered

"behave" rory scoffed in return

"who starts?" ron spoke up

"you do because you asked" blaise smirked

"fine. malfoy truth or dare?"

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