Chapter one

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"Sangwoo!" screamed Obama.

Obama had just been pushed off of the Himalayan mountains by Sangwoo, his husband.

They had been there for their honeymoon. They had gotten married on the fifth of January. It was supposed to be a super romantic trip.

As Obama was falling he shouted"How, how could you ever do this to me pookie????"

Sangwoo knowing that his one true love was about to die soon revealed the truth "You cheated on me!!!!! With Twilight Sparkle you dickwad!"

"Cheated I would have never!" Exclaimed Obama was still falling "I had only kissed her because Taylor Swift and her boyfriend Duolingo had dared me too!"

Obama hit the bottom of the Himalayan mountains with a splat. Sangwoo rushed down the tall mountain as fast as he possibly could... But it was too late for his husband Obama was dead. All due to this horrible misunderstanding.

This! This was all Taylor Swift, Duolingo, and Twilight Sparkles fault. How dare Duo and Taylor dare his beloved husband (boyfriend at the time) to kiss a woman.

He decided that he must cancel his honeymoon immediately. For he would track down the three and brutally murder them.

He first decided to track down Twilight Sparkle. She was the one who kissed his pookie wookie. She was the one who accepted the dare. She was the reason he killed his husband!

He knew what he needed to do. He ran up to his beautiful log wood cabin.

~~With Obama~~

"Haha, the pathetic fool he really thought I was dead, but no I was alive along! Now I can be with my girlfriend Twilight Sparkles! My one and only true love! I had only married Sangwoo for the money!" Obama monologued to the fake body sangwoo had forgotten in the snow.

He jumped on to his jet ski to go Massachusetts where his girlfriend lived. He knew that they would live together and be happy forever now that darn yandere Sangwoo was gone.

Twilight Sparkles had demanded that he freaked his death to get out of his marriage. He loved her so much he did. Obviously.

As he was on his jet ski it broke down, but he was in the grand canyon and not Massachusetts. He would never make it to his beautiful girlfriend now.

To be continued
This was made for Miss_Critical66
And Ghost_potatos

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