not home.

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the ride wasnt nearly as bad as they all expected.

awkward for about 10 minutes then theo was all over aurora and everyone warmed up to it easily. apart from draco. who was reading a book the entire journey.

one of malfoys house elves, lev, had met draco and aurora at the platform and allowed them to say goodbye before apparating them into their own rooms to change into decent clothes compared to their jeans they were wearing.

they knew the drill.
get home, dont talk, get dressed, meet mother, pack a bag, apparate to another country.

however, their father had always been there, they wondered if they were still going to travel.

aurora wore a black fitted turtleneck knitted jumper with a small white miniskirt made from fake leather. low opacity black tights and knee high heeled boots. she would wear a coat when they were ready to leave. a few small necklaces, bracelets and hooped earings.

draco wore a simple black branded jumper over the top of a white button up shirt, with creme chino pants. he paired this with his crispe white trainers, a small chain and his watch. he ran some gel through his hair but let it fall down to frame his face naturally.

they made their way downstairs together and found their mother in the sitting room.

"bonjour mother" draco spoke for the pair

she looked up from the book she was reading and smiled softly at her children. narcissa got up slowly and hugged both of her children.

"salut ma" aurora spoke even though she felt as if she could pass out just from being in the house, suffocating in the memories she was reliving

"my loves" she greeted them back.

"ma, sev said you was with aunt bella, when did you get back"

"this morning, you know what your aunts like"

"oh yes, i do recall her being a blooming lunatic when i last saw her"

"draco." she warned. "i need to speak to you both. sit"

they listened

"about what?" draco asked

"your father."

aurora groaned and went to stand

"and the dark lord."

"what about him?" she sat back down properly

"now that your father is- in azkaban."

"they never said in the prophet weather he was guilty or not"

"he was found guilty, yes. i asked for it not to be in the papers sent to the school. i wanted to be the one to tell you that you wont be seeing your father any time soon"

"good" aurora said subconsciously.

"you father loves you aurora dont be so cold"

"course he does."

"they only found him guilty of the dark magic. his trial for sexual and physical abuse did not take place."

"thats bullshit!"

"language aurora."

"oh my bad" she said sarcastically "c'est n'importe quoi" (thats bullshit (french))

"listen to me now. both of you. we are not leaving england. the dark lord has decided you two are to be marked. first thing tomorrow"

"what the fuck are you talking about"

"we always go away for christmas. now dad finally seeing the concequences of his actions and we're getting punnished more than he is"

"fuck this" aurora stood and left the room

"aurora!" narcissa sighed

"i dont want the mark-"

"no one does but we dont have a choice"

"may i be excused?"

narcissa nodded her head and gestured to the door. draco stood up and left.

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