Blocked XIV

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In the inside of what looks like an abandoned grocery store, the sound of thunder outside and the flash of lightning cracks the sky, we see Rexxvia, terrified as he sees Amy pointing a Chef's knife at him. Her skin was paler than normal, her eyes were bloodshot, her black dress torn and tattered her hair was somehow longer and messier you can almost mistake her Kayako Saeki.

Rexx: Amy... please calm down. Put down the knife. It's me, Rexx.

Amy's hands were trembling. She had a tight grip on the knife as she starts swinging it blindly.

Amy: You're not him. You're just another illusion! Just like the rest of them!

As lightning flashes Rexx can see the twisted look on her face. He wondered whatever happened to her when they got separated, must've caused her to act this way.

Rexx: Snap out of it Amy! I'm not illusion, it's really me!

In a blind rage, Amy charges at Rexx at full speed with the knife at the ready.

Amy: You will not fall for your LIES!!!

Rexx: AMY!!!





Amy is wondering around an asylum, which was now filled with dishonored puppets.

Amy: (What the hell did I get myself into? Rexx was right, this was the dumbest thing I've ever done. I should've stayed with Daya, praying for his return. But it's too late for that now, I'm here to get me, him, and Phym out of here. That reminds me, I'll have to ask why she thinks Rexx is her dad.)

Amy continues down the asylum, she stops on her tracks when she enters a horde of the dishonored in the cafeteria and the exit was right across the room.

Amy: (Shit... How am I going to get past that.)

She scans around the area to see if there was a way to sneak past the horde. She finds a suitable path and she slowly makes her move. All while avoid alerting the dishonored.

Amy: (Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me.)

She continues to her chosen path, avoiding getting too close to any dishonored along her path and also not trying to bump or knock down anything that will attract them. She goes under the table and crawls the rest of the way to the exit.

Amy: (Almost there...)

???: Having fun?

Amy quickly turned around and see nothing. She could've sworn she heared someone speaking behind her, but alas, no one.

Amy: (What the hell?)

Amy was shaking from the voice she heard but she pushes those thoughts away and keeps moving, only to find out a dishonored was blocking her path. She turns around and see another blocking her, she was trapped under the table.

Amy: (Great... I'm in between a rock and a hard place. Guess I'm not goin anywhere for a while. *sigh* I hope Rexx and Phym are doing well)


Rexx was inside a Giant circus tent running from a horde of impish clowns, all while avoiding death traps.

Rexx: Clowns! Why does it have to be CLOWNS!?

Rexx points the translocator at the door and opens it, taking him to a new place and leaving the clowns behind.

Kassandra, who was observing from a distance watched how Rexx was able to out run and out maneuver the clowns. she was still convinced that he plays the key role of getting her out. She uses her own translocator on the door and follows him to the next area in the shadows.

(On Hold) Blocked!Where stories live. Discover now