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It was late and cold outside. The street was wet from the recent downpour, my hair was frizzy from the humidity, and the only light reflected in a puddle from a giant street post that occasionally flickered leaving me alone in my thoughts and the darkness of the night. The moon was absent behind the skyscrapers and monumental buildings.

I was one strapping my backpack feeling it bouncing off of my hip and onto my back as I walked on the sidewalk towards the apartments.
The world was especially quiet tonight, almost too quiet for the city of Chicago.

Growing up here I knew it was stupid to walk alone at midnight and being a small white girl doing this i was "asking to be raped," but you have to do what you have to do to make it in this town. For me that meant working two jobs and keeping up my studies to graduate college. I worked part time in a local library and at a local starbucks close to campus.

I keep glancing around being a little intimidated by the tall buildings and occasional noises. I turned the corner off of Michigan and noticed a boy with his headphones in and hood pulled up. Just from first glance he looked like a punk, but he also looked like a down to earth guy. I was intrigued by my indecisive conclusion on his character. He was leaning against a building and he had black everything. Black skinny jeans, back hoodie, back shoes. The only thing that wasn't completely black was his white shirt that said "black sabbath" in simple black lettering. He stared at me from across the street and watched my every move, every step, almost like he could hear my every thought.

I began to walk faster and mentally praised myself for not wearing heels to work today.

I turned to check behind me and saw him jogging across the street towards me, my pace quickened and i clutched my phone in my right hand. My heartbeat sped up and my thoughts were racing. Would i be able to defend myself against him? He looked pretty fit..almost in a hot way.. But hot or not stranger danger is still a thing and I have to be careful.

"Hey!" He called behind me. I felt my backpack get loads heavier and felt like I was moving in slow motion. I kept walking and tried acted like I couldn't hear him. Why is he even talking to me? He finally caught up to me and I was ready to swing at him or do any form of self defense my mom could've taught me. "You know, it's a little late for a girl like you to be out and about walking on your own."
His sea green eyes connected with mine and I saw his cute smirk with his perfect jaw line. He was almost flawless, if he wasn't a total creep.
"What do you mean a girl like me? And im not alone, you're walking with me." I gave him a bit of attitude but immediately felt bad, he just seemed so likable and I've only heard him speak 21 words...

He chucked and just shook his head. "A girl like you. Judging by your apparel and how you carry yourself Id say you're probably the daddy's girl type, miss perfect. This must be a whole new atmosphere for you, isn't it?"

I scoffed at his remark and suddenly all the uncertainty I had formed into anger and all I wanted to do was deck him in his stupid perfect face.

"Actually my father hasn't been in my life. He left my mom and I when I was just three. And I am far from perfect but im defiantly not going to let the likes of you sit here and tell me what I am or what I am not. You can just go, I'll make it home fine. This actually happens to be my place."

I turned towards the staircase leading to my room, C8.
The mysterious boy just stood, frozen in front of the curb staring at me. Perhaps he was too stunned by my response or just felt bad about what he had said to me. I took one last glance at him and closed my door with only one thought, who was he?
I walked in through the mess that I call home and made my way to my bedroom. I threw my bag down on the floor, kicked off my shoes, and curled up in bed dreading my first day back to college tomorrow and fell asleep.

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