Chapter 21

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Gale: "W-w-we have to talk"

Alex: "I already know, but let's not talk here, after our work day is over then we should talk"

???: "Come here, stop talking to her you little shit"

Gale's eyes open wide in shock

Alex: "Who are you? I'm talking right now."

Gale: "...It's you...."

Alex: "Wait..."

Gale: "Big brother"

Chapter 21

Alex: "Big Brother?!?!?"


???: "What are you doing with this guy little sis?"

Gale: "But Gill-"

Gill: "Don't "but" me, answer my question"

Alex: "Hey! Don't talk to her like that"

Gill: "It's my sister, I can talk to her however I want. You on the other hand, I don't want you talking to her at all."

Alex: "She's literally been waiting to meet you for years, and this is how you treat her?"

Gill sighs

Gill: "You shouldn't butt in to our family affairs, I have my reasons. Reasons that don't concern you. "

Alex: *This doesn't make sense, he went through all that trouble sending me a code just so he could get into contact with his sister, now he's trying to stop me from talking to her and he's disrespecting her too?*

Alex makes a slightly irritated face

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