what tf do i title these

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"I love you" are the words I wish to say to someone. As I make my way down the hall, I see a huge, dark figure walking towards me, it hands me a paper with a list of tasks for the day. I nod at the dark figure and watch it walk away with a wine glass in one hand. Humans are weird honestly, I glance at the list for any important ones. One of the tasks is to group up with one of the "special" drones, J. I slightly grab on my shirt as I make my way to the gala to find her. I unlocked the gala doors and looked around for her. She was leaning against a wall while talking to Tessa, Tessa soon later left after she realized I was here. I walked up to J and tapped her gently on the shoulder.

          "Oh, thanks for coming, i guess." J said while moving her hair out of her face, clasping her hands together. J seemed nervous of me coming, I took a couple steps back to not  make her uncomfortable. "Yeah um, it was marked important so I pretty much had to come" I replied shortly after, J nodded and got up from the wall, I held both of my hands together for comfort. "Are you cold?" J asked, separating her hands and slightly raising one. "I- uh.." I slowly raised my hand to hers but I hesitate, "werent we going to do something? The task?" I questioned nervously, "Answer my question, are you cold sweetheart?" She said, holding my hand a little. The warmth of her hand made me feel things, what is even going on at this point?

                      "J dont-" I mumbled, letting go of j's hand. I don't know why i did that. "Are we going or not?" I said in a angered tone. I wish I can hold her hand forever, J looked annoyed by me letting go of her hand, I could say sorry but I can't for some reason. she sighed, not in a good or bad way. "You know, i was the one who made the task." I look up at her, her face giving off a soft blush, I gave one back. "I know it sounds stupid and corny but, i just wanted to hang out with you."  She admitted, she looked like she was gonna over heat. "J its fine, where do you wanna go?" I asked politely, she looked embarrassed, I thought it was cute that she wanted to hang out. "At the library,  or something. I dont know" she sympathized, trying not to make eye contact. "Well, wanna go now, sweetie?" I said enthusiastically, J's face looked like it was gonna melt, I laugh a little and gestured to hold her hand, "Come on, lets go." I said, during the way to the library, it was quiet for a solid 20 minutes. My mind was going like 'ASBJFKSPLKFG7ABSFC' right now, I've never hold anyone's hand this long, i let go of her hand, and I hold it again in another position. I feel like I'm gonna melt at this point. Randomly, I bump into something, I don't remember what it was, but it was something alive.

authors note:

honestly idk why I'm making this but it's funn so aryudsdtueuftrfyue

words: 556

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