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Name:Natasha Johnson

Birthday:27 December 1994

Look:Long brown curly hair and brown eyes

Friends:Agnes Carson and Ellie Petersen

Frenemies:Olaf Thor,Milla Sophie Smith,Isac Green and Moa Beach (I want to call her Moa Bitch...)

Crush: Adrian Jennings, Simon Smith (twin with Milla), Rasmus (No one knows his aftername!), Alan Latif...

Favoritecolour:Blue and purple

Personality: Funny,loud,shy,sarcastic,lazy,flirty,stubborn,a little jelaous and unsporty

Pets:(cats)One ragdoll named Iris and one blue russian named Kellie. (dogs) A golden retriever named Maddie.

Likes:Chocolate,Pets,secrets,drama,youtube/youtubers,singing, food and music

Dislikes:liqurice (dunno how to spell it),blood,lies,monsters and pretty much everything about school.

Sooo thats my first chapter now I am going to do her friends /Tasha

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