Chapter 1: The Final Mission

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He loved his cafe, especially at these times. It was already 10:00 P.M. and this establishment only lived to entertain him in this hour.

No lights were on; only the city lights bouncing of the wet asphalt of the busy street outside, and the lights of traffic permeating through the glass wall beside him illuminated the area.

The rain was lovely. He loved the rain and couldn't help but smile hearing its melodic fall amidst the white noise of pedestrians walking along the sidewalk just outside. There was something about late nights like these. He found comfort in them. It was as if the whole world stopped moving, giving him time to sit back and take a breather once in a while. After all, how many people would be working at a time like this, during a weather like this? Not many, and he wanted to be part of those people who enjoyed the little break that such a time provided.

It was cold, he adored how soft it felt in contrast to the sharp, suffocating heat throughout the dry morning and afternoon. He enjoyed the silence for a while as the aromas of his freshly brewed coffee filled the air. He stared at it with delight. He loved how the light outside touched the white surface of his cup, enveloping it in such a melancholic shade of blue.

Everything was perfect, down to his beige sweater, white trousers, and brown leather loafers. Although he really wished, "Tonkatsu with this would've been perfect too."

He smiled at the thought, led his eyes through the glass wall to his right, and watched as the busy life of the city continued on even beneath the rain outside of his charming cafe.

"This is why I want a world where heroes can enjoy a little bit of boredom..."

His eyes lit up hearing the voice from behind him. He turned around and greeted the person with a smile as he said, "Good evening, Hawks-nii."

The person smiled back, waving a filled plastic bag that he was carrying with him. "I let myself in through the back if you don't mind, Izuku. I thought you could use some snacks."

"I appreciate it a lot, Hawks-nii."

"Anything for my precious kouhai." Hawks, the number 3 hero took his seat from across the table and laid their food down in between.

Freshly baked bread, most likely bought from somewhere expensive, decorated the table.

Izuku smiled at the thoughtfulness of his senior and asked, "Would you like a cup of coffee with that?"

"No, thank you its fine, I can't really stay for long anyways."

"That's no surprise from the man that's too fast."

They shared another smile, before the hero's gaze turned almost sorrowful, as if what he was about to discuss bore such weight that even someone of his stature found it sad. "Izuku," he called out, and Izuku wasted no time to focus his attention to Hawks' words. "Its time for you to go. I talked to the higher ups and even they agreed to it. They knew what they were putting you through. You hear me? You don't have to do any of these missions anymore."

Izuku could only smile dryly at what he heard. They really were the kindest people. Hawks. The hero association president. They took him in when he had no one left, gave him food, shelter, and clothes. They gave him a job, a life to live, a purpose. Yet here they were again, giving him freedom. "You people are way too nice... honestly..."

Hawks laughed. "Don't sweat it. I got it from here."

"So?" Izuku asked, with a thankful smile gracing his lips. "What's my last mission, senpai?"

The night was cold. Shadows danced around them. Yes, this night couldn't be anymore perfect.

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