Baby Skies and Troubled Forecasts

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Lily Potter had a troubled pregnancy from the moment it was discovered, something that the healers at St. Mungos had warned her would be the case the very first time she was admitted during the war that had broken out.

Up until then, the recently married firey young woman had been on the frontlines of the battle alongside her new husband and many of their friends. Right up until she took a weak cruciatus curse to the side and had to be rushed away.

The problem wasn't the curse itself, though unbelievably painful, that had an easily dispensed potions regiment to correct any damages that short-term exposure could cause to the nerves, even if long term was a lost cause. No, the problem began when the discovery was made that Lily was apparently pregnant and had been for a while.

Months, actually.

Unfortunately, the cruciatus she had been hit with whilst not anywhere near full power was still enough to do a fair amount of damage to a still developing baby and the danger that brought with it.

It was, therefore, not a surprise when the newest Potter was born premature and struggling on the 31st of July. Tiny but determined to survive. Even if that survival was something of a very close call.

Jasmine Dorea Potter, Affectionately nicknamed Minnie, may have found her first few months in this world an ever difficult uphill battle, but by the time her first birthday came around and a concerned Albus Dumbledore dropped a prophecy in her tired and overwhelmed parents lap, little Minnie Potter was as healthy as she could be.

And a slightly worrying penchant for fire based accidental magic.

Now, if the Potter or Evans family had any connections to the underworld or organised crime, this may have been enough to tip them off that their little girl had unlocked soul flames. Flames of Dying Will. They may have even been prepared for that outcome, the close call with death in the womb, and the following brush against it after birth more than enough to bring that caution to the forefront.

As it was, nobody noticed the flashes of amber in pale baby blues or the way they preceeded a change in direction or attitude.

Nobody really paid attention to  the usually happy and friendly girl not wanting anything to do with her dear Uncle Wormy.

And nobody thought anything further of the bawling tantrum she threw on Samhain morning 1981.

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