Profile 1: Hafizah

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Name: Nur Hafizah binti Muhammad Hafiz

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nationality: Malaysian

Races: Malay

Occupation: Lans Koperal in Tapops, student, social media stars, fashion icon

Affiliation: Tapops Underground

Birthday: 28 November

Height: 168 cm

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Black

Personality: Gentle, but serious when fighting, shy, kind, smart

Blood type: A

Power: Super strength

Weapon: Her fighting skills

Abilities: Martial arts, highly intelligent, great at hacking, great at cooking, master hand to hand combat, technology experts, enhanced abilities, fast learner

Likes: Martial arts, technology, cooking, sports, food, Malay drama, Kpop, fashion, spy movies, superheroes, peace

Dislikes: Discrimination, sexist, racist, inequality, rape, pedophile, villains

Social Media Account (for now):

- SocialNation: 56M followers
- YouTube: 67.8M subscribers
- Instagram: 49.5M followers
- TikTok: 50M followers
- Facebook: 52M followers
- Twitter: 48.2M followers


- She is mastered at Silat and Judo

- Her favourite food is chocolate pancake by Gempa

- Her favourite drink is special hot chocolate Tok Aba

- Her favourite song is Strong Girl by Girl's Day (fiction)

- Her favourite dessert is white chocolate éclair

- People always call her Fiza

- She hates discrimination against all people

- She is a Muslim and wears hijab

- Although, she looks gentle but when fighting, she is very serious

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