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draco still wasnt happy about his sister dating his best friend but he was warming up quicker than expected, considering how theo acted with the delicate girl.

until they were alone. but draco would never see that so its not a problem.

aurora continued to invite the golden trio to their meet ups, harry was hesitant but still went anyways.

turns out theyre alot more tolerable than everyone thought.

harry and draco surprisingly got along better than expected. considering harry knew about dracos drunken confession.

hermione would often let everyone use her notes from class.

and ron would.. always bring food to their meetups?...

before they knew knew it, the 2 groups merged into one. sure they all bickered and argued but never so badly as to actually dislike one another again. it happens when everyone youre friends with are just as petty as yourself.



but i didnt feel like writing a whole chapter so you can have this 🫶🏻🫶🏻

as always, thank you for your support and love

ill try to keep up to date on posting and all that jazz but ive got alot going on atm so forgive me if it gets a bit irregular

main reason this isnt longer is because i got excited knowing it was the 30th chapter

feel free to ask questions abt the characters, story and myself here >>>

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