Abbacchio x Darla

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- [ ] It was around the afternoon in Naples, Italy. The gang were just chilling at the restaurant where they usually hang or eat. But it wasn't only just them, they had their girlfriends with them and the names are Sara Veronica Jenkins (Bucciarati's girlfriend) 19 years old, has a stand called Cherry Hazel and she knows how to fight without her stand and speaking of her stand it's very dangerous and if you trigger it you'll die very fast and she's a capo like her boyfriend, Adrianna aka (Audrey) Angelina Jenkins (Giorno's girlfriend and Sara's great grand aunt) 15 years old, has a stand called Summer Sault and she also knows how to fight with out her stand and she can detect life force and non living things, China (Sweetie Pie or Sweetie) Dynasty Jenkins (Fugo's girlfriend and Sara's little sister and Giorno and Audrey's great grand niece) 16 years old, has a stand called Natural Disasters and she can also fight with out her stand and she can turn into a dinosaur and she also has anger issues like Fugo does but hers are about like ten times worse then his, Gwendolyn (Gwen) Ginny Mista (Mista's girlfriend) 18 years old, has a stand called 19 6k and she can also fight without her stand and she has this invisible filter shield that can dodge people's attacks or attack on its own and she also hates the number 4 just like Mista, Darlene (Darla) Hailey Fugo (Abbachio's girlfriend and Fugo's little sister by 3 months) 16 years old, has a stand called Poison Mace and she can also fight with out her stand and she also has this deadly virus but it's mixed with acid, mace, and poison and it's way deadlier than Fugo's virus and she also has anger issues like her brother but it's a little more worse and she's smart like her brother but smarter and she has drinking problems, Alana (Lana) Trinity Ghirga (Narancia's girlfriend) 17 years old, has a stand called Jet 69 and she can fight with out her stand and she can detect people's movements and breathing and she can also detect non living things and she also is dumb like Narancia but she kinda has a lot more knowledge than him, and last but not least Diana Lorenza Bucciarati (Bucciarati's sister by 3 months) 20 years old, has a stand called Teleportation Extreme and she can fight with out her stand and she can just put her portal around her body and talk if off just like her brother can but he does it with zippers and she's also a capo and she's gay and Leanne Leon Abbacchio (Abbacchio's trans sister by 3 months and Diana's girlfriend/boyfriend) 21 years old, has a stand called Future Blues and she can fight without her stand and she can detect living and non living things and she was also a former police officer like her brother and they both dealt with depression together and she also has a drinking problem like her brother and also how can I forget about Daniel Raphael Nicholas (Trish's boyfriend) 15 years old and he never met his mother and his father passed away and his stand is called Kings and Queens and he can fight with out his stand and he loves expensive stuff like Trish does and he also have a second personality name Donatello and he can skip time and kinda see the future and now back to the story. They were all just hanging around while Bruno, Sara, and Diana had to head out to go check in with someone, Abbacchio and Leanne were listening to music on their headphones, Fugo was teaching Lana, Sweetie, and Narancia math, Mista and Gwen were chatting, same for Audrey and Giorno. While they were doing their own thing Abbacchio notice someone was missing from there table and he knew that all three of his capos were out  and Trish and Daniel went on a vacation but someone was actually missing from their table and then he noticed who it was "Where's Darla." Abbacchio says while he took his headphones off so he can get an answer from one of his teammates. "She's in the restroom." Lana says when she lift her head up to face Abbacchio for a second and then face back down to her assignment. "What is she exactly doing in the restroom it doesn't take her that long to be in there" Abbacchio says looking confused. "I don't know exactly I mean earlier this morning she looked all stressed and upset and she was shedding tears a little bit I was going to tell her what's wrong but I didn't want her to slap the shit out of me so I let her be but when I was going to walk away she grabbed me by my shoulder and said that she was going to be in the restroom for a long time so if anyone ask where she is she's going to be in the restroom" Lana says while resting her head on her arm and writing her assignment looking all bored and when Abbacchio heard Lana say she was shedding in tears and look all stressed and stuff it made him worried and wondered why was she upset. "What do you mean she was crying did you know what she was crying about" Abbacchio says getting a little pissed off because Darla didn't tell him how she was feeling. "Nope I wish I could though but like I said I didn't want her to beat my ass for saying something to her so I just kept quiet" Lana says while she stopped writing for a second so she can stretch her arms and then she went back to writing. "Poor Darla whatever she's going through I hope she feels okay soon" Gwen says joining in the conversation about Darla. "Yeah I agree and besides whatever she's going through she should be able to talk to one of us about it so we can understand why she seems so worked up this afternoon and also Panni do you the reason why your sister is upset" Sweetie says also joining in the conversation and turning to her boyfriend to get a answer from him. "Huh me umm no I have no clue why she is upset and also I didn't see her this morning" Fugo says while blushing because she called him a nickname that he really enjoys being called from her. "Hehehe Panni that's such a cute nickname am I right" Narancia says while snickering and making fun of Fugo for blushing when Sweetie called him a nickname. "Now listen here you little shit" Fugo says while grabbing a fork and was trying to stab Narancia but luckily Sweetie grabbed Fugo's arm just in time. "Calm down amore there's no need to waste time trying to stab Narancia with a fork here gimme it" Sweetie says while she calms down Fugo and then Fugo hands her the fork and sat back down and then Narancia started to snicker again but when he was paying attention to Fugo, Sweetie stabbed Narancia instead and everyone was in shock when they saw Sweetie stabbing Narancia and she starts yelling at him. "YOU DENSE CAGACAZZO WHY IN THE FUCK ARE MAKING FUN OF MY FUGO FOR BLUSHING JUST BECAUSE I GAVE HIM A NICKNAME SO WHAT IT WAS FUNNY YOU SHOULDVE BEEN CONTINUED ON DOING YOUR WORK BUT INSTEAD TOU WANT TO TEST BOTH ME AND FUGOS PATIENCE ESPECIALLY MINES ITS NOT LIKE YOU WOULDVE DONE THE SAME THING IF LANA GAVE YOU A NICKNAME SO WHY MAKE FUN OF HIM PUTTANA HUH HUH HUH ANSWER ME DAMNIT IM TALKING TO YOU, YOU THINK ITS A GAME" Sweetie says while stabbing Narancia with a fork and kept slamming his head into the table while all tea spills from the pot and then after that Fugo held Sweetie back so she won't accidentally kill him and he calmed her down. "There there my love deep breaths deep breaths I appreciate that you did it for me but let's not commit a murder shall we" Fugo says while calming Sweetie down and kissing her in the forehead and the lips and Narancia slowly put his head up and grunting at the pain while blood was coming out of his head. "Holy shit Nara are you okay" Lana says while helping Narancia to sit up still and grabbing napkins to clean the blood off of his head. "Yeah I'm alright babe just a little dizzy that's all" Narancia says while sitting still so Lana can clean up his blood. "Don't worry about it Lana let me treat Narancia's wounds" Audrey says while coming towards Narancia but a hand touches her shoulder and it was Giorno. "You sure love because I can take care of it I want you to relax" Giorno says while confronting his lover to relax. "Yes I'm sure besides I'm already closer so I might as well" Audrey says turning around to face him while his hand was still on her shoulder. "Okay then I'll let you go" Giorno says while letting Audrey go to heal Narancia and all of a sudden she hears a tsk and it came from Abbacchio. "Is there something wrong Abbacchio" Audrey says while healing Narancia which it hurt like hell but he wanted the pain to go away so he stay quiet while squinting his eyes. "I'm just worried about Darla that's all" Abbacchio says while shutting his eyes. "Look I understand that but even it wasn't about Darla you would've still said some shit under your breath about Giorno" Audrey says while proving her point. "She gotta point Leone" Leanne says while turning her music down from her headphones and taking it off. "Why are you even agreeing with her don't you hate her" Abbacchio says looking confused. "I wouldn't say that unlike you and Giorno me and Audrey actually get along sometimes I mean yeah we have our moments shitting on each other but we still care for each other so no I don't hate her" Leanne says trying to explain to her brother and all of a sudden they hear footsteps and sound it was coming from high heels and when it got louder towards there area it was Darla and she was leaning against the wall. "Well look who decided to join us this evening" Mista says while turning his whole head to look at Darla leaning on the wall. "He- hey guys sorry I was taking so long I had to relax myself real quick" Darla says while sitting her self down right next to Abbacchio. "Quick that took you forever well we're glad you're okay if you are okay" Gwen says while sipping her tea. "What do you mean if I'm okay I feel wonderful" Darla says faking like she doesn't know that Gwen was taking about. "You sure because Lana right there says that you were shedding tears earlier so I was wondering that we can talk about it" Abbacchio says placing his hands together and his attention on Darla. "Oh ummm it was nothing actually honestly I don't why I was crying it just rando-" Darla got interrupted by Abbacchio slamming his fist on the table. "Cut the bullshit Darla as your boyfriend I need to know what's wrong so just fess up already" Abbacchio says slightly getting irritated. "There's nothing wrong alright just leave me alone and go back to listen to your music" Darla says getting all emotional real quick and when Abbacchio was going to say something else he got interrupted. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" Bruno says while he's yelling at his team. "It's nothing I promise you Bucciarati" Darla says while trying to act normal. "Look come here" Abbacchio says when he was trying to give Darla a hug but she rejected it. "Get the fuck away from me I'm going back to the restroom" Darla says when she pushed Abbacchio away and got up and went back out to go back to the restroom. "The fuck did I do" Abbacchio says looking confused and irritated at the same time while Darla walked past Bruno and her other capos. "What's going on with her Lana did you piss her off again" Diana says looking at Lana. "What no I didn't do anything earlier this morning she's been upset but I don't know what about" Lana said trying to defend herself. "Well speaking of getting pissed off some of the customers were talking to me about a woman yelling at a young man and beating the living shit out of him and stabbing him with a fork and this fits a little to well for my sister don't you agree kiddo" Sara says while looking at her sister dead in the eyes and her sister start to chuckle nervously. "Hehehe umm sissy look I can explain" Sweetie says trying her best not to sweat by looking at her sister. "Cmon Sweetie all of us talked about this stop disturbing the other customers and making them feel threatened" Bruno says trying to talk to his sister in law without her cussing him out. "Fuck off Bucciarati it's not even that deep they should already know that they are in a real world were real things happen so yeah of course there gonna get terrified but you know why it's life and that's what they have to deal with and that includes beating peoples asses" Sweetie says while putting both of her foot on the table. "SWEETIE WATCH WHAT YOU SAY TO YOUR BROTHER IN LAW HE MEANS NO HARM HE IS JUST TRYING TO TELL YOU TO CHILL THE FUCK OUT" Sara says while yelling at her but then Bruno puts his hand on her back and rubs it to calm her down. "Shhh it's okay amore don't worry about it she's just getting used of us being together" Bruno says calming Sara down. "Hm yeah Sweetie don't be so hostile hmhm~" Diana says when she sitting on Leanne's lap. "Hm right girly chill out come here~" Leanne says while telling Diana to come so she can give her a kiss and they kept on giggling for some reason and the others were just standing there looking at them and Abbacchio was getting annoyed by it. "Get a fucking room will ya" Abbacchio says getting irritated. "Go suck a fucking dick biiatch" Leanne says while giving Abbacchio a shit eating grin and Abbacchio growling while getting irritated by his sister looks. "You little shit" Abbacchio says while growling at his sister. "Basically I'm not a little shit I'm grown as fuck and we're the same age so yeah" Leanne says sounding like a smart ass. "You know what I fucking me- you know what never fucking mind" Abbacchio says getting even more irritated. "Anyways we have a mission to do so can one of y'all get Darla over here" Bruno says speaking calmly. "I'll get her Bucciarati" says Fugo that got up and went where his sister went and when he knocked he heard her talking to herself. "How can he do this to me I thought I was his one in only but no I guess not and he must've been that fucking drunk not to remember or he's trying to make me feel naive that cheating piece of shit needs to get out of my life already" Darla says while looking at her reflection all of a sudden she heard a knock and she went to open the door to see who it was and it was her brother. "You alright sis I heard you talking to yourself in there and it didn't seem like you're okay so you sure you don't want to talk about it" Fugo says looking all worried. "Yeah I'm alright just ignore that umm is there something you need me for though" Darla says looking all concerned about what her brother needed. "Oh yeah umm Bucciarati says that we have a mission to do so he wanted me to come get you" Fugo says still trying to figure out why was his sister saying those words earlier. "Oh okay let's get going back to our table then" Darla says while walking out of the restroom and when both of the Fugo siblings came back everyone was already waiting for them and prepared to listen what there leaders have to say. "Okay so the mission for today is that we have to stop some of this drug dealers that's going on in these alleyways and me, Bruno, and Diana found out that these drug dealers have this secret hideout in a abandoned apartment building that was supposed to be taking down years ago but somehow it's still in shape kind of" Sara says while explaining the mission to her team while Bruno and Diana is standing next to her by her left and right side. "Hiding in an abandoned apartment building is crazy but that's just my opinion and I'm glad I only smoke weed" Gwen says and she made her boyfriend giggle when she said it. "My question is that how y'all even get weed" Fugo says looking concerned and wanting an answer. "Oh we make our own want so-" Gwen says but she gets interrupted. "Okay yeah that's besides the point we need to split in groups of two people each" Diana says trying to get the team's attention again. "Okay me and Sara will be together, Diana and Leanne will be together, Giorno and Audrey will be together, Fugo and Sweetie will be together, Abbacchio and Darla will be together, Mista and Gwen will be together, and Narancia and Lana will be together" Bruno says while teaming everyone up into groups of two and when he was teaming up people Darla heard that she was going to work with her boyfriend and it made her even more mad than she already was and notice that all the couples in the team will work together in two and when she looked at her boyfriend which that was already looking at her and when they made eye contact Darla gave Abbacchio a tsk and looked away and Abbacchio was wondering what did he do to make act her this way and why did he get turned on a little by her giving him a tsk. "(Damn that kind of got me turned on a little but my question is why is she this pissed off including towards me did I do something that made her act this way)" Abbacchio says in his thoughts wondering why his girlfriend been pissed lately especially towards him. "Yes I get to work with my man's" Gwen says getting all excited. "Me too I can't wait" Lana says agreeing with Gwen getting all excited too. "But let sets some rules since we're gonna be working with our significant other" Sara says and the girls got quiet so fast when they heard one of there capo's say but. "Rule number 1: Don't distract each other. Rule number 2: Don't make out with eachother unless necessary you can give eachother a quick smooch but that's it. Rule number 3: Don't tease eachother. Rule number 3.5: Don't give eachother hickeys or bite marks. Rule number 5: Don't grab eachother's ass cheeks especially you boys you know you get down like that especially with our titties. Rule number 6: Last but not least Do not explore eachothers bodies and you know exactly what I mean by that" Sara says while finishing explaining the rules to her team and then all of a sudden Gwen raised her hand. "Look Sara with all due respect but don't we have to worry about you and Bucciarati" Gwen says getting concerned. "What do you mean" Sara says getting confused what Gwen was talking about. "You know what let me get straight to the point you and Bucciarati are the top 1 most horniest couples on this team that's what I mean" Gwen says waiting for a response from her capo and then Bruno and Sara started blushing after hearing what Gwen said about them being the horniest couple of the gang. "Umm uhh well uhh uhh goddamnit babe help me out here" Bruno says when he was having trouble speaking so he turned to his girlfriend. "Umm well no need to worry about that because we're very serious when it comes to missions even though him fighting turns me on but anyways we're very responsible when we are assigned to missions and yeah" Sara says when she gulped and started to blush and sweat and Gwen gave her the (why the fuck you lying) look. "Okay fine all of us are not going to fuck around with eachother is that better" Sara says getting irritated and Gwen gave her a thumbs up. "Okay anyways we have to go now we already rented a car so just follow us" Bruno says dangling the car keys and then headed out the room and so did his girlfriend and sister and the rest of the gang followed them and 30 minutes later they were on the road trying to find the abandoned apartment building. Bruno was driving and Sara, Diana, and Leanne was sitting in the front row with him and Abbacchio and Darla was in the second row and Giorno, Audrey, Narancia, and Lana was in the third row and last but not least Fugo, Sweetie, Mista, and Gwen was in the back of the car. While Bruno was still driving Abbacchio was looked to his right and stared at Darla with her head resting on her hand and looking down at her toes and he felt bad about his girlfriend being upset and he thinks that he did something wrong to her but she wouldn't tell him. "(Oh amore I hope you can talk to me about your feelings soon I hate seeing you this upset and I feel like I did something wrong to make you this mad and if I did please forgive me we can talk about it and stuff)" Abbacchio says in his thoughts and all of a sudden Darla made eye contact with Abbacchio and when she did she got a little emotional when she faced him and when she did Darla looked away. "Why look so emotional my love" Abbacchio says laying his face on his hand. "Don't call me your love and it's nothing just leave me alone Leone" Darla says getting irritated at Abbacchio because he still doesn't know the reason why she's mad. "Why the fuck are you giving me so much attitude all I'm asking is why you look so down and what do you mean I can't call you my love your my girlfriend right" Abbacchio says looking confused at what his girlfriend just said to him. "I don't know am I" Darla says getting all sassy with Abbacchio. "What hell is that supposed to mean" Abbacchio says getting a little pissed off. "It's nothing just leave me alone I don't want to talk to you right now" Darla says getting pissed off also. "NO TELL ME WHATS WRONG" Abbacchio says yelling at her. "OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS LEONE HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I DONT HAVE TO SAY SHIT TO YOU SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE" Darla says yelling back at him. "NOW WHATS GOING ON BACK THERE" Diana says yelling and wondering why we're they arguing about. "I- it's nothing Diana I promise my apologies sorry for snapping I'm just a little sleepy that's all" Darla says calming herself down after hearing her capo yelling while Abbacchio on the other hand was irritated and wanted to know why she has been pissed off lately and why was she mostly getting angry at him. "Alrighty then Bruno how long is it gonna take us to get there" Diana says after checking up on Darla. "It's going to take us about at least 20 to 30 minutes to get there" Bruno says checking the time and while Bruno was still driving Leanne decided to get on her phone but all of a sudden moaning noises started to go off on her phone and it was on full volume so she kept on clicking buttons to stop the sound and the rest of the gang looked at her while she was trying to turn her phone off. "Ah shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" Leanne says while still trying to turn her phone off and then a few seconds it was turned off and she was relieved. "Haaa that's better" Leanne says after turning off her phone and then all of a sudden the gang were looking at her with their eyes wide open. "Umm my apologies that was just a little som-" Leanne says but she gets interrupted. "Yo Leanne send me the link" Gwen says being a goofball. "Aye don't forget about me man" Lana says wanting to get the video too. "Aye don't forget about me girly" Audrey says wanting the video also. "Aye what about me I want it also" Sweetie says wanting the video also. "Hm I guess I'll take the video also" Darla says wanting to join in the fun and it irritated Abbacchio a little and it wasn't about how Darla said she wanted the video on his sister phone it's that fact that why was she happy or laughing about what his sister did and he was starting to think that she didn't want to be with him but his sister but it didn't feel like that also it was like that she was kinda slipping away from him like she was falling out of love and she didn't want to tell him because she would feel like she'll break his heart which she didn't want that so she kept it to herself he was thinking to himself but stopped because Darla wouldn't do that to him right but anyways the girls looked at Sara to get a response from her. "I mean shit I'll take it I guess it was satisfying not going to li-" Sara says but she got interrupted. "Ragazza and Ragazzi were here" Bruno says while getting out the car and when everyone else got out the car Abbacchio stopped in his tracks and looked at his sister. "The fuck is on that phone sis" Abbacchio says looking concerned. "You don't want to know trust me you'll never look at people the same again if I tell you or show you" Leanne says trying to convince her brother to not ask about what was on her phone so Abbacchio rolled his eyes and walked out of the car and so did Leanne and when they were standing in the parking lot Sara called her teams name. "Ragazzi, Ragazza walkie talkies" Sara says when all of them pulled them out but when the boys pulled there's out they saw the girls pulling it out of there boobs and they were staring for a long time but girls snapped they fingers. "Umm my eyes are up here" Gwen says getting Mista's attention. "Cmon same for you Narancia" Lana says interrupting Narancia so he could stop looking at her titties. "You know what to do amore" Sweetie says to Fugo that got lost into the days by looking at her chest and he stopped and he apologized and when Audery was going to say the same thing to Giorno but he already new what she was going to say so he stopped but Abbacchio on the other hand was staring at Darla's breast like crazy but she didn't bother to say anything to him. "Girl you ain't gonna say nothing to him he staring way to close" Gwen says because Darla was very quiet when Abbacchio was staring very close to her chest. "Hm I'm not worried about it besides I just want to get this mission over with so I can go home and relax hell maybe go somewhere I don't know but I think we should get moving (damn you Abbacchio how dare you stare at my chest like that like you really wanted to shove your face all up in it which I wouldn't let you, you dirty cheating piece of shit go back to the bitch you really love so much)" Darla says to Gwen and getting irritated by Abbacchio staring deep into her chest like he didn't do that to that girl last night but she brushed it off and was ready to get her job done. "Alright there's a lot of alleyways around here so you can decide what alleyway you wanna go too and if you here something suspicious hide as fast as you can even if it's a random civilian you have to make sure you don't run into one of those drug dealers and be careful they might be stand users so watch each others back okay" Sara says giving her team orders and then when she was done they start splitting up into two groups of people and when they separated from each other in the alleyways they start communicating from the walkie talkies to see if any suspicious activity happened yet and while they were doing that all of a sudden Darla got pushed against the wall by Abbacchio which he was holding her hands together so she wouldn't get out of it. "Leone what are you doing we're supposed to be finding the drug dealers not this which I exactly don't want to do because you know but let me go we have to go find their hideout" Darla says trying to convince Abbacchio to let her go but he still held her against the wall. "No your going to tell me why have you been stressed lately and why have you been shitty towards me and why are you calling me by my real name you usually call me by my last name and what do you mean you don't want this you love this though and also what do you mean I know...know about what I don't know what your talking about and yeah there's something definitely wrong with you so until you fess up to me I'm going to mark you all over your neck" Abbacchio says getting close to Darla's neck. "LEONE I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU EVEN LEAVE A SINGLE MARK ON MY NECK IM GOING TO FUCKING LEAVE YOUR ASS IM NOT PLAYING AND YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THAT YOU HEARD SARA SAID THAT DONT GIVE EACH OTHER HICKEYS OR MARKING EACHOTHER WITH BITE MARKS AND YOU REALLY GOING TO DISOBEY HER LIKE THAT" Darla says yelling at Abbacchio for slamming her against the wall and trying to mark her with bite marks. "Shh be quiet your going to attract other people over here and no I'm not gonna disobey my capo I respect her as much as I respect Bucciarati and Diana but if your gonna act like a little bitch about it then I guess I might have to and there's no way your gonna leave me you love me to much and I love you so much" Abbacchio says trying to keep Darla quiet and he thought it was a great idea to call Darla a bitch since she likes being called that even during sex but in this situation she was very furious with him and can't even stay away from him because she has to work with him and get the job done. "Tsk thats bullshit if you love me so much then you would've gave me my space but instead you kept being an annoying fuck about it so just leave me be Leone" Darla says not believing one word Abbacchio just said to her and wanting him to leave her be. "Stop calling me Leone it's Abbacchio or babe, baby, love, gattino, daddy to you there's more names you can call me but not Leone" Abbacchio says getting irritated by Darla calling him by his real name. "Then stop calling me gattina, love, babe or baby and all them other cute nicknames just Darla or Darlene" Darla says getting tired of Abbacchio calling her cute nicknames. "What has gotten into you Darla and why can't I call you those cute nicknames your my girlfriend I'm suppose to and what did I do to piss you off this bad do you not love me no more" Abbacchio says getting a little emotional. "I just don't know Abbacchio look can we not talk we have a mission to get done and your just worrying about my feelings like it means something to you which it literally doesn't and-" Darla says wanting to get through the mission but she got interrupted. "The fuck you mean your feelings don't matter to me yes the fuck it does I'm your boyfriend and I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on or give you all my kisses and cuddles or do each other's make up hell I'll let you slap the shit out of me if you want to punch me that's fine also and you can kick,stab,pull my hair,shooting is fine,you can you use fire and biting and scratching is on the table so if you want or need to do those things just let me know" Abbacchio says trying to convince Darla that he does care about her feelings and if she needs to get things off her mind not only he would let her cry on his shoulder if she really is stressed out she can do a lot of violent things to Abbacchio. "Yeah right okay anyways let's get back to work or we're gonna be the ones that'll fuck up the mission" Darla says finally getting out of Abbacchio's grip and walking down the alleyway and keeps talking to one of her capos on the walkie talkie and Abbacchio was just following her and all of a sudden they started to hear footsteps so they hid behind one of the walls and when they were hiding they saw a man with a black hat, wearing a long light brown trench coat, and some grey pants and some ordinary black shoes and it looked like he was up to something bad so Darla and Abbacchio listened to every word he was saying on the phone with and then when he was still the phone with somebody he pulled out his stand and punched a hole in one of the walls and when he did that there were a lot of drugs and about like 1 or 2 million lire with it and when he was about to grab one of the walkie talkies started to go off and the man got distracted and reappeared his stand. "Who's there show yourself whatever you saw me doing I might have to eliminate you so either come out and surrender or prepare to die" the random man says waiting for someone to come out. "Shit we have to think about something fast as possible or this mission ain't gonna go so well" Darla says getting real nervous about the man hearing the walkie talkie go off and now wants them to surrender or get eliminated so she have to think about something fast. "Then use your stand" Abbacchio says not having an idea to get out of the situation so he just told Darla to use her stand. "Are you fucking serious no I can't just randomly reappear my stand especially when I have this poisonous virus that can literally kill you in a second and I can't really control my stand that well anyways because it will just randomly lash out and I don't want that to happen really and it'll probably end up killing you so no and besides I value my safety far to much because I don't want anybody to learn my abilities and let's think of something else quick because I think I hear footsteps coming this way" Darla says looking at Abbacchio like he was a piece of shit she stepped on and explained that she don't really wanna harm or kill anyone by using her stand and didn't want to show it anyways because she don't want anyone to learn her abilities. "Do you know how to climb" Abbacchio says to Darla waiting for an answer. "Duhh I know how to climb how do you think that I learned how to fight and is because I kept training and climbing was one of them and what about it" Darla says wondering why Abbacchio asked her that question. "Me and you are going to climb on top of the building and when he's not looking we can ambush him and jump the bastard" Abbacchio says done explaining the plan to Darla. "Hmm that's actually not that bad I guess we can try that" Darla says being surprised that Abbacchio actually thought about a plan and when they climbed all the way to the top of the building the man looked to his right and saw an empty corner and when he was looking confused both Darla and Abbacchio jumped off from the building and used their stands leg to kick the man in the back so hard that he flew out of the alleyway and when he was bleeding from out of his mouth he looked up and saw two people staring down at him and it was Darla and Abbacchio. "Wha- what do you want from me" the man says looking all scared and was shaking a lot. "Dude we don't want nothing from you we just want to know that why did you have all that cash and drugs and where did you get all that cash from and what we're you planning to do with those drugs and you better answer us now or we finna get to straight jumping your ass so if you don't start talking you'll get beaten the fuck up so what will it be" Darla says ready to beat the dudes ass if he don't fess up about what he was finna do with all them drugs. "Okay okay okay I'll tell you I was going to go downtown to sell the drugs to the rich and homeless people and the reason why I have that much money is for me and my gang to rebuild the abandoned apartment so we can run business together and that's why you see all that drugs and money inside the wall there I told you everything please don't hurt me" the man says not wanting to get his ass beaten so he spilled his guts about why he had so much money and drugs. "Hm not going to lie we might have to kick your ass because not only you and the people your working with sold drugs to adults you also sold them to children so we can't really let you get away like that" Darla says not wanting to let the man go and all of a sudden the man pulled his stand out and was trying to attack Darla but luckily Darla put one of her poison capsules in his mouth and it busted open and started spreading quickly and Darla told Abbacchio to move far away so he wouldn't get infected. "[cough] [cough] the hell you just do too me and why is my body covered with numbs what is this ability that you have" the mama says dying from the poison. "My stand is called Poison Mace and I have this ability that I can spread a deadly poisonous virus filled with toxic acid and mace and I can also use this power to into the past and not only I can spread the virus openly I can just use my capsules and now enough of me explaining my ability now let me get this over with so you can die faster" Darla says ready to beat the shit out of the man with her stand and when she called out her stand the man was trying to defend himself but the virus was making him pass out and when his stand disappeared Darla got to beating his ass {Ubashaaaaaaaah} and when she was done he started to disintegrating and his corpse started to spread into tiny pieces. "Darla are you alright" Abbacchio says with a worried look. "Yeah I'm fine there's nothing to worry about can you just check up on the others and see what they got going on" Darla says tired out from killing the man and Abbacchio nodded and talked into the walkie talkie and see if anyone would respond and then he heard a voice in the walkie talkie and it was Bruno. "Bucciarati is that you" Abbacchio says wanting to know if it was his capo or not. "Yes Abbacchio it's me and also you and Darla don't have to worry about finding the apartment me and Sara took care of it but did you guys at least found something about them or no" Bruno says waiting for an answer. "Yes indeed we did Bucciarati me and Darla found a tons of drugs and a lot of money inside of one of these walls because this bastard punched a hole through it and I guess it was supposed to be a safe place for them to hide all this stuff but I guess not and they were planning to sell more drugs to the rich and poor so they can make a lot of money to rebuild the apartment that they were hiding in and Bucciarati what would you think it would be a good idea to do with all this money and drugs" Abbacchio says explaining what happened and what one of the dudes said to Darla and him and waiting for an order from Bucciarati. "I see and just grab all the money so I can put it somewhere safe and get rid of the drugs" Bruno says ordering Abbacchio to do what he said for him to do. "Okay that's all I needed to know see you soon, Darla cmon let's gather all the money and let's just burn the drugs" Abbacchio says going back to the area we're all the money and drugs are at. "You grab the money I'll burn the drugs" Darla says having a lighter in her hand and it was lit already. "Damn you were that prepared" Abbacchio says looking at Darla holding a lit lighter. "Just get the money so we can get the hell out of here and go on with the rest of our day" Darla says getting impatient. "Hey chill the fuck out I'm already getting straight to it damn" Abbacchio says getting irritated by how Darla was acting and when he was done collecting all the money Dara grabbed one of the drugs and lit it on fire and threw it back to the other drugs and it started to spread and spread and all the drugs started to burn to crisps and when they were done doing that they went to the parking lot to meet up with the rest of the gang. "So how did go with y'all finding information about the drug dealers I already heard Abbacchio's side of the story" Bruno says waiting for someone to respond. "It was amazing Bucciarati when I was fighting off about 6 or 7 goons Gwen was beating the living shit out of those goons and that turned me the fuck on" Mista says getting excited that he was his girlfriend fighting. "Same here man Lana was beating the fuck out those goons" Narancia says being happy to see his girlfriend beat ass. "Well that's good Abbacchio got the money" Bruno says waiting for Abbacchio to respond. "Right here Bucciarati here you go" Abbacchio says handing Bruno that cash. "Alrighty then we should get going cmon Ragazza and Ragazzi let's go home" Bruno says walking to the car and the others followed him and then almost an hour later the gang got home safely and started to chill on there own time Darla was about to walk out the door she got stopped. "Where do you think you're going" Fugo says wondering where his sister was finna head out to. "The bar why you need anything" Darla says looking at her brother. "No I don't need anything and why are you going to the bar and how do you even get in" Fugo says getting concerned. "I just walk in there but I'll be right back I don't know how long I'll be out though" Darla says ready to head out. "Just stay safe okay love you sis" Fugo says saying goodbye to his sister. "I will love you too" Darla says heading out the door. "Ummm where's Darla. Abbacchio says wondering where his girlfriend is. "She went to the bar" Fugo says turning to face Abbacchio. "Goddamnit huh okay then oh and by the way Fugo have you seen my baton I've lost it" Abbacchio says pissed off a little bit because Darla left and he can't find it baton. "No I haven't seen it sorry and oh and I saw something sticking out of my sister's jacket and it was at least about 2 feet long so would you think that's-" Fugo says not very sure where Abbacchio's baton is. "Wait a second she stole my baton and why would she I gotta go find her" Abbacchio says noticing that his girlfriend stole his baton and doesn't know why she did so Abbacchio left the house. "Oh okay see you later Abbacchio" Fugo says when Abbacchio left the house. "Umm Fugo you there" Sweetie says wanting to speak to her boyfriend. "Oh umm hey babe is there something you need from me" Fugo says wondering what his girlfriend needed. "I want you~" Sweetie says flirtatiously to Fugo. "Wa- wait so your telling me that you wanna have you know intercourse" Fugo says surprisingly to Sweetie. "Yeah why you say it like that baby you know we haven't done it in a while so come in this bedroom and give me some physics okay~" Sweetie says waiting for Fugo's response. "You know what fuck it your right come here amore" Fugo says jumping off the couch and going towards Sweetie. "Ooooh baby hehehe~" Sweetie says getting excited to have fun with her boyfriend meanwhile Abbacchio was still looking for Darla and he remembered that she was at the bar so he went there and when he was looking inside he heard a scream coming from his left side and when he turned to the direction where the scream came from he couldn't believe what he saw in his own eyes he saw Darla threatening a random girl with his baton so Abbacchio ran over to the direction and backed Darla up away from the girl and once he done that the girl ran away and Abbacchio turned Darla so he can face her. "What the hell was that Darla why were you threatening that girl" Abbacchio says wanting answers from his girlfriend. "Hmm w- what you say Abbacchio" Darla says while she was tipsy almost wasted. "Goddamnit Darla you had to get tipsy come on let's go back home and I hope you can tell me what happened" Abbacchio says helping Darla walk out the bar and meanwhile when they got back home they got to there room Abbacchio gave Darla a cup of water and a aspirin for her to be a little sober to talk to him about what happened. "So Darla why were you attacking that girl at the bar I hope she wasn't one of the bartenders and you threatened her to give you more to drink" Abbacchio says waiting for his girlfriend to answer. "You know what I'm glad you asked me that and I thought you were familiar to that girl" Darla says done drinking her water. "What are you talking about and what do you mean I was familiar to that girl" Abbacchio says confused. "You know what let me just get straight to the point that's the bitch you cheated on me with" Darla says getting furious and pissed. "Wait what I never cheated on you never I only loved you and when did I cheat on you" Abbacchio says getting shocked what Darla said to him. "Looks like you don't remember don't you I guess let me tell you the story then so basically you and Leanne went to the bar a few days ago and when Leanne was drinking she was looking for you but she couldn't find you but when you popped out of nowhere she helped you to get back home and when I was helping you to our room I saw fucking lipstick and hickeys all over your fucking collar bone and I was pissed and upset so I put you on the bed and walked to the bar that you and Leanne went to I used my smoke replay to see what were you doing and when it replayed you and that girl by the restrooms and kissing and giving eachother hickeys I was crying my ass off and I couldn't believe my one and only did this to me" Darla says she started crying and then when Abbacchio thought about it he started to remember and he felt terrible. "Omg babe I'm so sorry I was drunk and I got out of control I didn't mean for this to happen" Abbacchio says feeling terrible that he did cheat on Darla but he was drunk at that time. "Of course it was your fucking liquor but I'm not gonna be a hypocrite because I drink a lot too but atleast I can watch how much I drink and kind of control myself a lot better" Darla says still crying and getting pissed off too. "Look love can you please find it in your heart and forgive me I promise I love you and only you it was just a big mistake that's all please love don't let that get between us it was just in accident" Abbacchio says desperately wanted Darla to understand that it was an accident. "A mistake a fucking mistake are you fucking kidding me Abbacchio you almost slept with that fucking whore and it was just a mistake I can't believe you" Darla says crying even more. "Look I made a mistake okay and I just apologized so just get over it and hell I probably enjoyed messing with that girl" Abbacchio says accidentally said something he shouldn't said. "How could you say something like that" Darla says in shock of what Abbacchio just said. "Wait baby I didn't mean it like that okay I'm sorry please forgive me" Abbacchio says desperately asking for forgiveness. "I'm leaving goodbye Abbacchio" Darla says grabbing her bag and walking out there room and walking downstairs. "No wait Darla come back baby I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I was just worked up thats all don't leave" Abbacchio says begging for Darla to not leave. "No I'm leaving and I think it's best if we just split for a while" Darla says getting close to the front door. "You- you're breaking up with me" Abbacchio says with a pain in his voice. "Not exactly I just need space away from you thats all" Darla says opening the front door. "But babe-" Abbacchio says giving Darla a sad look. "Don't call me babe and I'll see you when I feel like it" Darla says walking out the door and closing it. "What's going on what happened" Fugo says coming out of his room shirtless and has his pants unzipped. "Look Fugo please don't get ma- wait where's your shirt and why is your pants unzipped" Abbacchio says getting distracted. "Oh shit umm ignore that okay me and Sweetie just had a little fun thats all but yeah ummm anyways what happened and why did my sister leave I thought she already left to go to the bar" Fugo says wondering what happened. "Look Fugo I need to talk to you and the rest of the gang right this instant and when I do please don't get furious with me" Abbacchio says telling Fugo to get the others. "Why would I get furious with you and why do I need to get the others" Fugo says getting confused on what's happening. "Can you just please do that for me" Abbacchio says getting inpatient. "Alright I'll go get the others Sweetie come on let's go get the others" Fugo says going upstairs to go get the gang. "Okay coming" Sweetie says following Fugo up the stair and meanwhile the gang were gathered around the living room and was waiting for Abbacchio to speak. "Okay since all of y'all are here I need to tell you guys something and I hope I don't upset you guys all" Abbacchio says looking at his gang. "Wait where's Darla oh my god is she dying" Narancia says freaking out. "Oh my god is she dying please don't tell me that she is dying who's gonna actually help me do math" Lana says freaking out also. "Relax she's not dying I saw her walking out the door earlier and even if she wasn't in great health I could help you do math like I did hours ago" Fugo says to Lana. "Fugo look your like my big brother but a bit younger but I'm good" Lana says to Fugo. "What why you don't like me teaching you" Fugo says wondering why Lana doesn't want him to teach her. "It's not like that it's just how am I gonna let someone who literally beats my boyfriend up when he gets a answer wrong help me do math" Lana says the reason why she won't let Fugo help her. "Okay I understand now but don't Darla do the same to you when you get an answer wrong" Fugo says understanding the reason why. "Yeah but I said what I said I don't really want you to help me" Lana says to Fugo. "Okay guys enough with that Abbacchio continue what you were going to say to all of us" Bruno says waiting for Abbacchio to speak again. "Okay so umm it is about Darla but she's not dying she's in great shape but you might not see her about a week or 2" Abbacchio says getting a little emotional. "Wait what do you mean we won't see her what did you do Abbacchio speak up" Fugo says getting confused and a little furious. "Well when I was at the bar looking for her I saw her threatening a girl with my baton so I stopped her from doing anymore harm and she was tipsy so I took her back here and I gave her some aspirin and water so it can sober her up a little so she can communicate with me better about why she was threatening that girl and she said that I should know who that girl was" Abbacchio says trying to calm his nervousness down. "So she did have your baton and why was she threatening that girl in the first place and why did she say that you should know who that girl was I mean did you know her" Fugo says asking so many questions and wanting a answer from Abbacchio. "It was about something that happened a few days ago" Abbacchio says looking at the ground. "Wait a few days ago me and you went to the bar a few days ago and I was trying to look all over for you and you never told me where you ran off too you just disappeared" Leanne says remembering about how her brother disappeared somewhere around the bar. "Yeah well the reason I ran off because I was by the restrooms with-" Abbacchio says but he stopped talking for a sec. "With who- wait don't tell me you were with that-" Leanne says getting shocked. "This is all making sense now my sister was mostly pissed towards you a few hours ago and when I was getting her and checking up on her when she was in the restroom I overheard her saying that someone is a cheating piece of shit and- wait a second YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON MY SISTER" Fugo says realizing what Abbacchio did to his sister. "Look Fugo it was just a huge mistake it didn't mean anything to me I was drunk and I lost control of myself" Abbacchio says trying to calm Fugo down. "A MISTAKE A FUCKING MISTAKE ABBACCHIO HOW CAN YOU JUST LET SOME RANDOM ASS GIRL KISS ON YOU WHEN YOUR IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP WITH MY SISTER" Fugo says losing his shit. "I didn't do it on purpose though and I do love Darla and I didn't mean for it to happen it just happened" Abbacchio says still trying to calm Fugo down. "IT JUST HAPPENED IM GOING TO BE-" Fugo says trying to approach Abbacchio and beat him up but Sweetie held him back. "Fugo you don't gotta worry about that I'm going to take care of it" Leanne says when she was about to approach her brother but Diana held her back also. "How could you let this happen you mean a lot to Darla but you just stabbed her in the back like it was nothing" Sara says disappointed with Abbacchio. "You're lucky that I don't feel like attacking you but what you did to Darla was unacceptable why would you do something like that in the first place" Sweetie says disappointed with Abbacchio also. "I should bitch slap you" Gwen says about to approach Abbacchio but Mista stopped her. "So what do you have to say to yourself" Diana says disappointed about Abbacchio's actions of cheating. "I'm guilty for what I did but I can tell you that I didn't mean to do it but I admit that what I did was wrong so wrong and I actually love Darla and I would never hurt her on purpose" Abbacchio says admitting that what he did was completely wrong. "Well that being said I think you and Darla should sit down and talk to each other" Audrey says to Abbacchio. "I agree" Giorno says putting his arm around Audrey's shoulder. "But I don't know where she's at" Abbacchio says feeling emotional. "She's at the hotel thats 6 blocks away from here" Leanne says still held back by Diana. "Wait how do you know" Abbacchio says confused a little. "You know that I can replay the past, present, and future in my head not just my stand right" Leanne says telling Abbacchio about her replay. "Oh yeah right I forgot about that" Abbacchio says understanding how his sister knew about where was Darla at. "Well tomorrow morning you're gonna go there and have a talk with her got it" Bruno says ordering Abbacchio to go to the hotel tomorrow morning. "Yes Bucciarati I will" Abbacchio says listening to Bruno. "Well that being said [yawns] I'm going to go to bed come on babe let's go" Mista says smacking Gwen's butt and going upstairs. "Oka- hey why you smack my ass I know I'm thicc but goddamn" Gwen says looking up at Mista when he was going up the stairs. "Sorry love that ass was just looking too fat so I had to smack it" Mista says flirtatiously to Gwen. "You know what I can say the same about you" Gwen says checking Mista out. "Wait what you mean by that- wait babe don't do it please have mercy on me" Mista says backing far away from Gwen. "Bring that ass here boy" Gwen says running up the stairs. "AAAAAAH GWEN HAS PLEASE DONT DO IT LEAVE MY ASS ALONE" Mista says getting chased by Gwen. "No can do now come here" Gwen says cornering Mista. "BABE STOP PLEASE AAAAAAAAAAH" Mista says screaming for dear life. "Well then I think we should all go to sleep now" Diana says pulling Leanne by the arm and going upstairs to their room and so did the others except Fugo and Sweetie because their room was downstairs and they went to there room also while Abbacchio was chilling on the couch for a little bit and then he went upstairs to the room and he slept alone with Darla not by his side and then the next day Abbacchio went to visit Darla so he knocked on the door and waited for her to open it and when the door opened Darla looked at Abbacchio for a sec and was about to close the door on his face but he stopped it by using his foot and open the door wider to see Darla. "What are you doing here Leone" Darla says not looking too happy to see Abbacchio. "Bruno suggested I should sit down and talk with you about what happened" Abbacchio says being calm and nervous. "There's nothing to talk about you fucked me over and I'm upset that you did something like that to me like I loved you Leone" Darla says raising her voice a little. "Darla please I really want to talk to you" Abbacchio says desperately. "Fine come in" Darla says walking away from the door so Abbacchio could come in and both of them sat down on the bed and faced each other. "Look Darla I'm sorry I did that to you and I promise you that it didn't mean anything to me I love you only but I do admit that I'm guilty of it and I should've watch how much I was drinking" Abbacchio says apologizing to Darla. "You said you enjoyed messing with that girl" Darla says looking upset. "I didn't mean it I was just so worked up and I should've haven't been worked up in the first place and I don't want to lose you for something that I did I know I fucked up but I want to work things out with you and what do I gotta do to make it up to you because I don't wanna lose the woman I love very much and I won't ever stab you in the back on purpose or ever so can you please forgive me and we can work it out" Abbacchio says desperately trying to get Darla back. "You mean that" Darla says getting emotional after hearing what Abbacchio said. "Of course I do you mean a lot you and I love you too much" Abbacchio says getting closer to Darla. "I forgive you Abbacchio and I love you and I don't want to lose you also" Darla says hugging Abbacchio tightly and Abbacchio hugged back and they were hugging for a while and then they faced each other and started to kiss for a few seconds and pulled away from each other to look into each others eyes and then they kissed again and it started to turn out into a make out session and Abbacchio grabbed Darla's breast and Darla pulled away from Abbacchio. "What are you doing Abbacchio" Darla says with her hands on Abbacchio's chest. "I'm going to show you that how much I love you that's what" Abbacchio says pulling Darla even closer. "But I already know that" Darla says still touching Abbacchio's chest. "I told you how much I love you but now I have to show you how much I love you if you know what I mean" Abbacchio says pushing Darla gently so she can lay her back on the bed. "But Abbacchio-" Darla says but gets interrupted. "Shhh my love just relax and let me make you feel even better" Abbacchio says putting Darla's legs on the bed and spreading her legs apart and gets on top of her. "You sure babe" Darla says leaning up a little. "Yes I want to make this special for you" Abbacchio says touching her chin. "Okay" Darla says taking her shirt off while Abbacchio was taking her pants and panties off and he was just staring at her naked body while biting his lip and Darla laid on her back and then Abbacchio started to place his fingers on her clit and started rubbing on it. "Aaaaah baby~" Darla says moaning and getting her clit played with and Abbacchio kept rubbing on it till she got a little wet and then he backed up and his face got close to her vagina and he started eating her out. "Oh my gosh aaaaah~" Darla says moaning even more when Abbacchio started eating her out and then he kissed it and kept licking it and then he stood up his body straight and took his shirt off and the unzipped his pants and took it off and only he had on left was his boxers and Darla could see his bulge through his boxers and then Abbacchio took his boxers off and his precum was leaking a little out of his cock and he pumped his self a little and then he slid his self in Darla and started thrusting slowly. "AAAH oh my daddy~" Darla says moaning loud while Abbacchio was thrusting inside of her. "You love that don't ya puttana" Abbacchio says thrusting his self in Darla. "Yes daddy I do love it so much~" Darla says moaning a little louder. "Damn you're so tight you slut" Abbacchio says grunting and started to thrust faster. "Oh my god daddy you feel so good~" Darla says gripping on the sheets aggressively. "Baby Im so close" Abbacchio says thrusting even more faster. "Me too daddy and just cum inside me~" Darla says getting close to squirt on his cock and he thrusted a few times and he came inside her and she squirted on his cock and he slipped out of her and Darla got on her knees and started licking the tip and she started sucking on his cock. "Oh my Darla your mouth is so special" Abbacchio says playing with her hair while getting sucked off and she started going faster and Abbacchio grabbed Darla by her head and started to force her to choke on his cock. "Babe I think I'm close again" Abbacchio says grunting even more and then you came in her mouth and she swallowed it and pulled Abbacchio and kissed him. "I love you baby thank you for making me feel better I appreciate it" Darla says wrapping her hands around Abbacchio's neck and looking into his eyes. "Anything for you amore" Abbacchio says and leans in closer and kisses her and gets off the bed and started to put his clothes back on and so did Darla and once they were fully dressed they looked at the messy bed. "So umm what are we gonna do about that mess" Abbacchio says pointing at the bed. "Leave it the cleaning people will take care of it now come on let's go" Darla says grabbing her bag and holding her hand out for Abbacchio to hold it. "Your right come on let's go back home" Abbacchio says holding Darla's hand and the walked out the room and meanwhile they returned back home holding hands and the gang ran to them. "OMG DARLA YOUR BACK AND YOU AND ABBACCHIO ARE GETTING ALONG AGAIN" Lana says running to Darla and hugging her tight. "Hey Lana and I'm happy that you missed me" Darla says patting Lana's head. "Oh my gosh Darla your back" Audrey says touching Darla's face. "I'm glad to be back" Darla says touching Audrey's face also. "Darla my girl welcome back" Gwen says dabbing up Darla. "Hey Gwen" Darla says dabbing up Gwen. "SISSY YOUR BACK" Sweetie says running to Darla. "SISSY COME HERE" Darla says with her arms opened and the they hugged each other tightly. "Well well well look who's back" Sara says walking to Darla. "Hey Sara" Darla says hugging Sara gently. "Why hello Darla I'm glad to see you" Diana says walking to Darla. "Hi Diana" Darla says hugging Diana gently. "What's up Darla" Leanne says walking to Darla. "Sup Leanne" Darla says dabbing up Leanne and hugging her and then the boys and Bruno came towards me and hugged me and Fugo turn to Abbacchio. "I guess I can accept your apology for what you did to my sister but I guess we all make mistakes and I'm glad you made my sister happy again" Fugo says with a smile on his face. "I'm glad you can accept my apology and I will make sure that it won't happen again I promise" Abbacchio says facing Fugo and then Fugo got a little closer and the he punched Abbacchio in the face. "OWW FUGO WHAT THE HELL I APOLOGIZED" Abbacchio says yelling at Fugo for punching him. "Sorry but I had to get that out the way" Fugo says calmly and then Leanne approached her brother and put him in a headlock. "LEANNE GET OFF OF ME YOU FAGGOT" Abbacchio says yelling at his sister while he still in her headlock. "Okay I'm letting you go but if you hurt my sis in law again I'm beating your ass with my baton you hear me" Leanne says letting Abbacchio go and threatening him if he messed up again. "Yes I hear you okay" Abbacchio says catching his breath after being in a headlock. "[sniffs] hey Darla why does your breath smell weird" Lana says looking at Darla. "Uuuuh it's umm it's uuuh nothing hehe" Darla says laughs nervously. "Wait a sec did you and Abbacchio have se-" Lana says noticing that Darla's hair is messy and she got interrupted. "Please don't finish that sentence" Darla says putting her finger on Lana's lip. Abbacchio and Darla figured things out and now there happy with each other now and they decided to go to the bar with each other to watch both of their surroundings and they stayed loyal to each other

The End
Bruno x Sara coming soon

The Passione gang x Their Gfs Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang