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It shouldn't have even been possible.
For him to come back from the dead.
And yet.. he did. Though rather unexpectedly.
It took him a few minutes to realize that he was awake. A sharp pain rang throughout his body, his throat was dry and aching.
He couldn't feel his legs, or his entire lower half for that matter. Not only that, but the pain only got worse every time he tried to move.
He slowly scanned the room he was in.. was this a closet of some kind? It was too dark to clearly tell.
He then made the mistake of looking down..

"...What the FUCK?" He shouted in his mind, only for nothing to come out.

Well, this was great. His entire lower body was gone, his hands were replaced with puppet hands, and he was stuck in a chair.
He tried to pull himself free, but to no avail.

"Come on.. come.. on..!"

Owen fought harder and harder against his restraints, eventually, after what felt like hours, he got one of his hands free.
And then the other one—

"AGH!" Owen grunted as he fell off the chair, face first onto the cold, hard floor.

God, how the hell did he end up here?
He couldn't remember anything..
Despite the awful pain he was in, he knew he had to get out of here.
He forced himself to start crawling towards what he could only assume to be a door, seeing light seeping from beneath it.
Like he was going to be able to open it..
He eventually got close enough to the door to be able to hear a conversation going on behind it.
He pressed his head against the door in an attempt to listen better.

"You heard it too, right? It couldn't have just been a bump in the night." A deep, raspy voice spoke. One that sounded.. familiar.

"I'm certain it's nothing to ponder. Did one of my test subjects escape, I wonder?" A more feminine voice replied.

"Even so, I order you to investigate! Figure this out before it gets too late!"

"If you insist.."

..Were those footsteps?
Shit, someone was coming closer!
Play dead, Owen! Play dead!
Owen dropped back down to the floor, holding completely still as the door creaked open.
He didn't see who it was, but he could feel eyes staring down at him, piercing through his soul- if he even had one left.

"..Hm.. how did this happen? How could you have gotten like this, Owen?"


"..Perhaps this was an elaborate prank meant to scare me. Their little tricks aren't very funny."

The person left, but didn't leave the door closed all the way.
The coast wasn't clear yet, though. He could hear them talking again.

"What was it?"

"Someone moved Owen's body in the closet. It was Nick Nack trying to play a trick on me, I bet."

"Ah, I see.. I suppose I'll have to have a talk with him, then, Riley."

...Riley. Nick Nack.
He knew those names. Where did he know them from?
Riley, Nick Nack, Riley—
Oh. He DID know where he knew them from.
It all started coming back to him.
Mortimer, Nick Nack, Riley, Daisy, Rosco.. even Scout.
Suddenly, all the pain in his body was replaced with anger.
An anger so intense, that it fueled him with an energy that he had never felt before.
Revenge. He wanted revenge.
Revenge for what these puppets did to him. Revenge for the people these puppets have harmed. Revenge for the people he let down.
As soon as he heard both of them walk away, he lifted himself back up, using his head to nudge the door open once he was certain that they were gone.
But he couldn't get very far like this..
Vengeance could wait. He had to find a way to put himself back together..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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