Chapter One

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Orla's PoV
I grew up alone. Well, not alone, but without siblings. Sure I have Erin and Anna, but I'd always wanted a sibling of my own. Cousins don't always cut it.
I love my mammy but she's dating a new fella. It's not just the two of us anymore. Granda's still not sure about it. I do like the fella, but I'm sad it's not just mammy, me and granda anymore.
But her new fella, Declan, treats me really well! He's lovely. He says I'm like his own wee girl, which is weird because I'm 19. I'm not a wee girl anymore. I'm big. I'm 20 next year.
Sarah's PoV
I lay awake in bed. Declan was next to me, fast asleep. I was suddenly hit with a wave of nausea. I ran for the bathroom and threw up; once, twice, it kept going until my stomach was empty and I was dry heaving.
I sat back against the wall and caught my breath.
"Mammy?" A voice came from the other side of the door. It was Orla.
"Yes baby?"
"Are you okay?" The door was pushed open. She poked her head into the room.
"I'm grand. Just feeling a little sick."
"Can I make you a tea?" She offered. My Orla is the sweetest girl ever.
"That would be nice. But I think it's time for breakfast next door."

Erin decided to go off to University in Belfast. Queens. With James. Orla couldn't choose what she wanted to do so she's taking a year out, which is fine. Another year I get to keep her before she goes off into the world.

The three of us, Declan included, all made our way round to Mary's. She was setting up breakfast. Anna was in her school uniform, singing to herself. Orla joined her. I smiled at the girls. I miss having a wee one. But I'm 39 now.

"Mammy was sick." Orla said, grabbing me back from my thoughts.
"Are you okay, love?" Daddy asked.
"Aye. It's nothing." I smiled. I warmed my hands against the mug of tea Mary had made. "Probably just a wee bug."
"Please don't get Anna sick." Mary said. "She's got her first day at school after the holidays today. She can't miss it." Of course. The first day back after the October break.
I lit a cigarette and put it to my lips. Just as I was about to take a drag from it, I felt sick again. I stubbed it out, only to have everyone stare at me.
"You're not pregnant are you?" Mary joked. Everyone kept looking at me.
"God no." I said, taking a sip of tea. No. Most definitely not.
Once breakfast was over, I headed to work at Boots. I couldn't shift the feeling of being sick.
I couldn't get that thought out my head. What Mary said over breakfast. What if I was? Then what? Like I said, I'm 39. Doesn't that count as a geriatric pregnancy? I don't know.

But to put my mind at ease, I left work on my lunch break and headed to a smaller store to find some tests. I could have bought them at work but then people would start talking, and I really can't be doing with that right now.
I bought the tests and shoved them into my handbag.
It was a long, slow day at work. Mary was making dinner when I got home. Declan and Gerry were still out. Orla, daddy and Anna were watching tv together. I walked past Orla and played with her hair.
"Hi mammy." She smiled up at me.
"Hiya love."
"How you feeling?"
"Better." I lied. My head was swarming with millions of thoughts.

I walked up to the bathroom and went for the toilet.

"Oh my god." I stared at the tests. I started crying. What the hell am I going to do?! All three are positive!
Orla's PoV
I could hear mammy crying in the bathroom. I knocked on the door.
"Yes?" She asked.
"It's me mammy."
"Oh, I'll be out in a minute." She coughed.
I waited next to the door. Mammy came out, drying her eyes.
"Are you crying?"
"No." I knew she was lying, but I felt it was best not to ask why. Mammy disappeared into her room when the front door opened and shut.
"I'm home!" It's Declan.
"Up here love!" Declan took the stairs, two at a time. He bypassed me and went straight into the bedroom. They kept their voices low but I heard mammy and Declan squeal with excitement. I opened the door. Declan was holding her and they were kissing.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Orla, we have some news." Declan smiled.
"You're going to be a big sister!" Mammy was crying.
"Are you sad about that?" I asked.
"No love. I'm so happy. Happy tears!"
"Are you not happy?" Declan asked.
"I am. It's a lot to think about, but I am happy!" I replied with a smile.

Suddenly, my dream of becoming a sister was real, but it means I have to share Mammy, again, with another person.

"But you can't tell anyone, not yet." Mammy said. "I need to be the one to tell them first. Okay?" I nodded. "Come here love." Mammy hugged me tightly. "I love you."
"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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