Wednesday Night

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To Mikey O.O: oMg aRe yOu oKaY???

From Mikey O.O: Yeah, doing just fine. Thanks for worrying though.

To Mikey O.O: HOW'S CALUM?!

From Mikey O.O: He's fine

To Mikey O.O: God I hope your all ok!

From Mikey O.O: We are

To Mikey O.O: Btw me and my friend (a huge Michael girl) were joking that we should be hired to protect you guys while Liz isn't there.

From Mikey O.O: Haha! Guess that would be good. Brin...

To Mikey O.O: BRYNE! It's Irish but Clifford sounds so posh and then you have pink hair, eyeliner and your in a punk rock band

From Mikey O.O: Haha! Ikr! All of our middle names sound so formal and here we are in a punk rock band

To Mikey O.O: You guys are so weird...

To Mikey O.O: But a good king of weird

*1 hour later*

To Mikey O.O: WAIT!!!


From Mikey O.O: X'D

To Mikey O.O: dOn'T dO tHiS tO mE!!

From Mikey O.O: Lol yeah. I think it would be cool to have you guys with us on tour ;)

To Mikey O.O: HAHA! Your funny

From Mikey O.O: I'm being serious

To Mikey O.O: O.O

*26 minutes later*

From Mikey O.O: I've talked to the rest of the boys and Luke and Ashton seem skeptical about it. Ashton's mainly worried about the fact that we don't know you irl and Luke doesn't like the idea of having people watching over us again.

To Mikey O.O: Ashton: we can always send you our resumes. Luke: we won't be watching over you (like Liz) but we'll just be there and we'll be more like friends/sisters than guardians.

From Mikey O.O: Okay cool btw Calum is excited to meet you ;)

To Mikey O.O: You better not be making this up!

From Mikey O.O: I'm not. I swear! I don't wanna know what you'll do if I was making this up...

To Mikey O.O: I'll unleash the Faye on you...

From Mikey O.O: Not again!!!!

To Mikey O.O: hehehe...

*93 minutes later*

To Mikey O.O: I've talked to my friend (Una) and she's gonna send me er resume so I can send you both of ours.

From Mikey O.O: Cool I've talked to Luke and he's cool with it since he's read our previous messages.

To Mikey O.O: Even the ones of me fangirling?!?!?!

From Mikey O.O: Yeah

From Mikey O.O: Hey, Lauren. You sound pretty cool from your texts with Mikey and I think it would be cool to meet you. I think it would be fun to hear the story of that girl on Instagram in person. :) -Luke x

To Mikey O.O: O.O

To Mikey O.O: Um, thinking about it, I might not be able to do the job...

From Mikey O.O: Why??? (from entire band)

To Mikey O.O: Because I'm not who you think I am...

From Mikey O.O: ???

To Mikey O.O: Gtg... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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