Book 1: Years Ago

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There had been a disaster in Slab, something had overrun the town and any surviving townspeople were evacuated. People in Pebble offered to take the Slabbites into their homes, the ones that had the resources and room to do so. Of these people were the famous Lavender Cassowary and Clary Passel's family.

The Passels could only keep one family within their home, but gave others permission to camp around their grounds, but as Lavender was a guardian, the family house was a large ranch.

"Something that I keep hearing from the townspeople is that some blight destroyed their food, whatever that means." Rosemary said.

"Rosemary, that means something bad destroyed their crops and probably cattle too!" Sage said. She didn't know what a blight was exactly, but from the way the adults talked about it, she knew it was bad. She was always having to do the mind work for the two of them.

"So is that why many are looking for work?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's true."

As the months went by, the Slabbites found jobs and moved on to other places, and the healing process of the town of Slab could truly begin.


Meanwhile, Parsley Barleysteel faded into the shadows of a hideaway she'd made for herself. She didn't want to be found, she didn't want to have to take care of her brothers. Why were there so many of them? Didn't her parents care at all about how stressed she was?

As she backed further in, she hit something and sound of leaves rustling. When she turned, she saw a kid her age. A few leaves flittered to the ground, leaves the same color as the child's hair. She quickly realized the child's hair wasn't hair at all, just a bushel of leaves.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was anyone else here. I'm Parsley."

"Acacius Linie. What are you running from?"

"I could ask the same of you, but since you asked first... I don't want to take care of my brothers right now, there are too many of them."

"Relatable. We lebsalies are born from the death of our parents and must take care of ourselves and our numerous siblings. I'm avoiding mine myself."

"How many do you have? I have 12."

"There's nine of us in total."


Meanwhile Thyme Teaberry ran through the dense trees and humid weather, her tunic sticking to her from sweat. She'd soon come to a stop near her house near the bogs, seeing her father talking with his friends. The three friends were elves like them, but Thyme never saw much of any of them. It seemed like they were talking about serious matters, but the man that seemed to take charge, perked up at her entrance.

"There you are. We have reason to believe you've gotten quite good with your training. Would you mind showing us what you're capable of?" Said the man she thought she heard being called Valerian.

Thyme didn't feel the need to argue. She took out her bow, activating the embedded terrasphere, causing the the bow to unfold and become a normal looking bow. She shot a few arrows off at a practice target.

High Guardian Spice Rewrite Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora