It Is Done(Eclipse) TW: SH

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(November)"It's done,I did it" I thought to myself as I laughed.The setting around me destroyed,Floating pieces of the earth "I'm finally rid of those pest!"I continued to think to myself.The castle behind me glowing a light orange hue the sky cracked and shriveled.


(January)"...Why did I do it..." I sighed in anger as I started to cut up some food (don't ask). My Hand slipped from the knife slitting my wrist " Fuck!" I whispered as i grabbed bandages and wrapped up the cut leaking oil (Blood for them). "ugh" I sighed in anger and pain " the cuts quite deep..ugh" I Silently murmured. A million thoughts rushing through my head like"good job you finally did it!" or " again do it again but this time of free will then we'll leave~". I was growing tired of the voices ... I grabbed the knife Put it to my Wrist and slit it as the voices immediately left .

This is how it started but not how it ended it got worse As i injured myself more and more and time november flew around it would have been fatal for any human .... good thing i'm not one. i want to stop but I can't ... I'm addicted...maybe Sun and moon would help me if they were here...

then the idea hit me maybe i could bring them back ! I tried and tried and tried and then it worked ... but how do i get them to listen...

(sorry its short i'm not in the best mental state )

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