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theo was on his way to meet aurora in the room of requirement, however he was struggling to enter the room.

someone was in there.

'show me aurora' 'show me the room' he repeated in his head as he paced infront of the opening.

eventually a door appeared and he silently walked into the room, thankful when he saw his girlfriend.

however she was sat with her back to the entrance. at a piano.

her hands tracing the keys as she flicked through pages of music, possibly finding the right one that she wanted to play.

theo walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "hey love"

her breath hitched and her muscles tensed until she heard the voice of her lover. "you scared me"

"sorry" he pressed a kiss onto her temple and took a seat on a sofa near to the piano. "play for me"

"i usually sing. in france over summer or sometimes at christmas time, we would have big partys and my friend, elliot would play piano. it was the only times my father would look at me as if he was proud"

"so sing for me"

"i-" she struggled to find the words she was looking for "i dont sing unless theres music"

"please princess"

"okay.." she found the sheet of music she was looking for and slowly began playing the keys on the piano, getting used to the way her hands would need to move "just give me a second"

"we've all the time in the world"

she gave a small smile and once she had found her confidence in playing, she began adding in her voice.


the only word that theo could use to describe the girl. apart from perfect. but no one is perfect. and all slytherins were far from it.

however she always seemed to be the closest explanation to the word.

he smiled and looked at her in adoration as she sung and kept her eyes down on the black and white keys.

once aurora had ended the short song, her hands rested on the keys and she took a final deep breath.

"youre amazing, you know?"

"you tell me all the time"

"because you are, doll"

she smiled and looked up at him, flushed red.

perfectly delicate.

"come 'ere"

she pushed herself away from the instrument and sat on theos lap, straddling his thighs. "yes?"

"i love you"

her smile grew and she kissed his lips. short and gentle.


"i fall more in love with you every time you say that" she rested her forehead against his

theo couldnt be smiling more if he tried.

he caught her lips in another kiss. this time full of passion and love.

nothing more. nothing less.

far from delicate.


more fillers!!

whos suprised? not me.

im going to change all the title chapters because numbers are boring <3

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