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Taylor Victoria
24 years old

Taylor Victoria24 years old

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"Jesus mom I'm 24 years old! Okay I'm sorry, yes I do have everything and Monica can 100% let me stay." I spoke with a slight raised voice adding an eye roll as my mum looked frantically round the house for something I may have missed.

"Yes hon I'm not trying to baby you, I just know how you can get" She spoke softly stroking a strand of my hair back behind my ear.

"Look, I promise I have everything" I said in the same soft voice that she spoke to me in, I smiled at her rolling my suitcase to the door

"Are you sure dad can pick me up? It is after work and it's a 2 hour drive I don't want him to spend 4 hours driving" I said while opening the door

"Yes yes, of course hon. Shush, he's already outside" My mom said rushing me outside the house, we were both on the front porch.

She leaned in to hug me, I swear I heard a sob but I might just be "hearing" things.

"You have to call me whenever your free or when you need help. I will always pick up" she said giving me a motherly kiss on the cheek before pulling away.

"I will, of course" I smiled laughing as I heard my dad honk the car horn signalling to get a move on before mom changes her mind.

"Okay okay, hurry off before I change my mind" She said pushing me along as I walked off slowly to the car, waving at my mom as I did so.

I guessed she would say that.



you have to be kidding me. Monica's apartment number was number 20, on floor 10 of the apartment building and the elevator was out of service...

Wait hold on number 20? Number 20 or number 19? Oh god my dad told me like one hundred times which one it was.

I slowly walked up the stairs, my hand brushing against the banister. I was already out of breath when I got to floor 5 let alone floor 10.

Once finally making it to the right floor I looked at all the numbers before reaching to numbers 19 and 20.

20 was just in front of 19 and they were both right next to the stairs, you couldn't really tell by the doors which one it was as they were both the same colour.

I walked over to number 19 and knocked gently holding my suitcase behind me as a happy smile grew on my face.

I hear footsteps stomp around the apartment before the door is pulled slightly open someone's head popping round.

It was a boy. Well shit, either Monica has a boyfriend or it's the wrong apartment.

"Yes?" The boy asked before even looking at me, I noticed he hand nice fluffy brown hair going slightly too close to his eyes and was wearing a blue button up slightly unbuttoned on his chest and some black trousers.

He wasn't badly dressed, he turned his eyes winding slightly before he opened the door more revealing his apartment.

"Heyy" He smirked leaning an against the door as he looked at me, I just smiled. He had a very nice face, not in a weird way. That's not weird to say is it?

"Uh hi, is this Monica's apartment?" I asked awkwardly trying to look behind him so I could look in.

"Oh no hers is the apartment just behind you" He pointed as I turned to look, my eyes expanding in embarrassment.

"Oh sorry, wrong apartment" I laughed turning back to him, a slight blush of embarrassment on my face.

"It's fine, I know I'm as beautiful as her. Anyway, so who's Monica to you?" He asked giving me his full attention and chucking slightly at his own joke.

I laughed quietly before looking down for a second then back up at him, "she's my cousin, I'm staying round hers for some time before I find my own place" I smiled at him, my hands behind my back.

"Oh wow make sure not to make a mess she hates messes" He laughed looking at the other apartment door for a second then back at me.

"So how do you know Monica?" I asked my eyebrows furrowing in confusion on how he knew so much about her.

"She's a friend, I'll let you get on then" He said dramatically rolling his eyes as another deep voice shouted his name who I'm guessing is his roommate.

"Thanks, I'm Taylor by the way" I spoke holding my hand out for him to shake, he smiled taking it.

"Chandler. Have fun with miss bossy pants" he joked moving his hand back to the door, I laughed back giving him a wave before he closed it then I heard screaming.

I sighed pulling my suitcase with me as I turned to the right door knocking on it softly again.

I heard quick footsteps from inside before the door was pulled fully open a big smile on the girls face from inside which did lift my spirits.

"TAYLOR!" Monica screamed, she had medium lengthen black hair, it was straight with a wave at the end. She had a black tank top on and some blue jeans.

"MONICA!" I screamed back pulling her into a tight hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek which I did with almost every hug.

"I'm so happy I haven't seen you in ages" she spoke excitedly jumping around in her hug returning the kiss on the cheek back.

I hadn't actually seen her in about six months so I was really relieved to see her again.

"I'm so happy you're letting me stay" I said with the same excitement pulling back from the hug and grabbing my suitcase.

"Oh don't worry it's a pleasure" she said assuring me inside as she closed the door behind me, I rolled my suitcase in as I took in the main room.

As I walked into the door her kitchen was there, she had mint green-blue like cabinets, it was slightly messy but organised at the same time, her fridge had multiple funny pictures on it and in the middle there is a small wooden circle table in the middle with a set of wooden  chairs.

I turned to look just across the room where there was the living room, she had one long white couch and one small white couch with a wooden coffee table in the middle and her small tv in front.

It was so cozy, I smiled looking back to face her. She looked scared of what I may think. "Your apartment is so beautiful" I spoke sweetly as she sighed in relief.

"Thank you, over there is the bathroom and the balcony" Monica explained as she walked along to just before the living room which led to a hallway.

Inside the hallway was two doors and a window door to the balcony in front of said doors.

"Okay cool" I spoke before she walked off again to a door near the living room.

"Here is where you'll be staying and over there is my room" She smiled pointing over to one door on the other side of the tv and not too far from the one we are standing in front of.

She walked in holding the door open for me as I wheeled my suitcase in behind her.

I looked around the room, it seemed to be a guest bedroom. The bed was pressed against the wall in the middle of the room (it had white bed covers), each side of it was wooden bedside tables, there was a mirror besides the bedside table on the left and a wardrobe just along the wall next to the door in front of the bed.

I smiled thanking Monica as she left to let me get settled in, I started unloading my suitcase then flopping down onto the bed after my long two hour drive.


————>  3rd December 2023
——————> words - 1364

A/n - This is kinda bad but it's okay I think.

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