Chapter 1

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The golden hues of sunset bled into the Hokage's office, casting long shadows across the room where Naruto sat, surrounded by mountains of paperwork. The once boisterous ninja, renowned for his indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to his friends, now found his greatest challenge in the silent battles of leadership and the solitude it entailed.

Outside the walls of the office, the village of Konoha carried on. Children laughed and scampered in the streets, jonin shared tales of missions new and old, and the everyday bustle of the Hidden Leaf Village whispered of a peace hard-won and cherished. But within the Uzumaki household, a storm was brewing—one that threatened to disrupt the calm.

Boruto, Naruto's own son, had grown disillusioned with the image of his father, the Hokage, who was more a legend to the villagers than a presence at home. Hinata, once the cornerstone of support for Naruto, felt the weight of his absence too. Their home, once filled with laughter and warmth, had turned into a silent testament to Naruto's dedication to his role over his family.

Boruto: Mom.

Boruto spoke one evening, his voice laced with a maturity that belied his years.

Boruto: "you can't keep living like this. It's like you're waiting for someone who's never coming back."

Hinata's eyes, those pale Byakugan wells reflecting years of quiet understanding, met Boruto's.

Hinata: "Your father is doing this for the village, for peace"

she replied, her voice a soft echo of the strength she had always shown.

Boruto: "But what about us? What about peace at home?"

Boruto countered, the frustration and longing for a father's guidance in his voice.

Boruto: "If he can't be here for us, maybe it's better if... if you let him go. For real."

The idea had seemed unfathomable at first, but as the days turned to weeks, and the weeks to months, with Naruto's chair at the dinner table remaining empty and his side of the bed untouched, the unfathomable became a whisper in Hinata's heart.

And then, it was no longer a whisper.

It was with a heavy heart that Hinata approached Naruto, the papers that would untie their bond held with a trembling hand. The Seventh Hokage, the hero who once saved the world, looked up from his desk, his eyes reflecting a tiredness of soul no amount of rest could cure.

Hinata: "Naruto-kun,"

Hinata began, the title of Hokage feeling suddenly foreign on her tongue.

Hinata:  "I think it's time we faced the truth. Boruto and I... we need more than what this—what you can give us now."

The room was silent save for the shuffling of papers as Naruto took in her words, the weight of them more crushing than any enemy he had faced. It wasn't anger that showed in his face, nor was it surprise. It was resignation—a silent admission that he, too, had seen the rift growing between him and the family he loved.

As the news of the separation spread, whispers turned to murmurs, and murmurs to open conversation. The village that had grown under Naruto's care couldn't help but feel the shift in the wind, the crack in the foundation of their Hokage's life.

Amidst this turmoil, there was Himawari, Naruto's young daughter, with eyes wide and filled with unshed tears. She watched as her family, the unbreakable unit of her world, fractured before her. When she learned of her brother's suggestion to her mother, confusion and hurt had battled within her heart.

Himawari: "Why does Boruto-nii want to send Dad away?"

she asked one evening, her voice small, her figure dwarfed by the darkening sky as she sat in the garden where she had once played with both her father and brother.

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