28. | Father's Will

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I finally turned on my phone today, after going home

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I finally turned on my phone today, after going home. It felt strange, empty. Unlived-in. Aunt Jenna had called me a few times, as well as messaging me.

She wanted to have lunch with me, since we hadn't hung out in years. I walk into the café she wanted to meet at, scanning around until I find her sitting at a table. I stalk toward her, stopping in front of her table.

"Hey, Aunt Jenna." I smile.

"Hello, my little bug." She stands, wrapping her arms around me as she kisses my cheek. "How have you been?"

I shrug, the two of us taking a seat. "Okay, I guess."

"And what about you and Rhys?"

I inhale, exhale. "I didn't come here to talk about Rhys. I came to talk to you."

She narrows her eyes but drops it. "I wanted to go over your father's will."

"What about it?" I cross my arms.

"Your father left the house in your name. And I was hoping...that I could have it." She says unsurely, as if uncertain how I'd react.

I lean forward. "You want to steal my house?"


"No. I'm not giving you the house." I shake my head.

"You're the only one living there. You don't have kids or family to live with you. If you give me the house, it can give me and your cousins a place to live!"

I push myself up. "You know, I expected this from Aunt Brit. But not you." I stare at my aunt as if I don't recognize her. And for a split moment, I don't think I do. "That house is my home. It always has been. I won't let you take that from me."

"Naomi, wait—"

"You want the house? Take me to court." Then I turn, only to bump into a waiter. The tray falls and drinks splatter on the floor. "I'm so sorry." I exhale, stressed, and speed-walk to the door.

Fucking clutz.


My first day back is quiet. Secluded. No one talks to me. No one makes fun of me. No one bothers me.

It's peaceful.

"Where did you go? You just ditched us for a week and a half!" Not anymore.

"What do you want, Lindsey?" I sigh, organizing my desk.

"Really?" She asks snarkily. "That's what you ask? You just abandoned us for the last week and a half, then randomly show up one day as if nothing ever happened."

"I don't have to explain myself to you, Lindsey." I shrug, standing up. "We're not friends. You made that clear the minute you met me. I'm just the new girl, right?" I raise a brow before walking away to the break room.

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