Chapter 1

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I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my backpack, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about my first day at Beacon Hills High School.

"Clara, you ready? The school bus will be here soon." Mason's voice called out from the kitchen downstairs. I took a deep breath. "You can do this, Clara." I whispered to myself and nodded to my reflection. "Yeah, I'm ready. Are you sure you don't want to come with me, Mason?" I yelled back.

Mason then entered my room, wearing a reassuring smile. He appeared in the door frame, I looked at him through the mirror. "I wish I could, but I've got work, and the twins need to be taken to their job as well. You'll be fine, Clara. Just remember, keep your head down, and don't draw any attention to yourself." Mason tells me.

His words were comforting, but I couldn't help feeling a bit lonely about facing this new experience on my own. "I know, Mason. I'll be careful. But I will miss you and the twins. I'm used to having you guys around." I said to him, he knows I struggle really hard adjusting to new places.

Mason gave me a warm hug, and then I heard a giggling from the doorway. I looked over Mason's shoulder to see the twins. I see Cassandra and Alexandra, my older twin sisters, grinning. Without a word, they enveloped me in a group hug.

I let go of Mason to hug Alexandra tightly and she hugs me just as tight. "We'll miss you too, Lara, but we'll be back as soon as we can, we promise." Alexandra, who I like to call Alakay, chimed in. I let her go and hugged Cassie next and hugs me too.

"And we can all catch up on everything tonight." Cassandra added. "I know things have been hard, but you're the strongest one of all of us. We need our little rock, okay? You can face this head on." Cassie encouraged me. I sighed, tears forming in my eyes. It's my first time going somewhere with them. It's gonna be so difficult to handle going in alone.

I held onto the moment, feeling the warmth of my siblings and their support. "C-can you at least drop me off together?" I asked, looking up at Cassie, Alakay and Mason. The twins and Mason exchanged glances before looking back at me. "We can't, Lara, but maybe tomorrow okay? Plus, your bus just got here." Cassie says to me, and I looked at the school bus that just parked in front of the house.

"You got your pepper spray, Wenny?" Mason asked. Wren is my middle name and majority of the time the twins and Mason call me this or Lara. I shook my bag where I clipped my pepper spray. Dad bought me one a few months ago to keep me safe and put his mind at ease and Mason's. Mason smiled at me. "Okay, let's walk you out there before it leaves."

We all walked out of the house and my siblings left me to get on the bus. Alex and Cassie blew kisses at me and so did I.

As I boarded the school bus and found a seat, I couldn't help but wonder how my day would unfold. I was really only excited about the chance to reunite with my old friend Allison, yet apprehensive about the secrets lurking in the background.

As the school bus pulled up to Beacon Hills High, I gathered my belongings and stepped off, taking in the sight of the bustling schoolyard. The air was filled with a mix of excitement and chatter, but I couldn't help feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Then, I spotted her. Allison was waiting for me near the entrance, a friendly smile on her face. She waved, and I couldn't help but smile back, my nervousness fading away.

I hurried over to her, feeling a surge of relief. "Allison!"

Allison's eyes sparkled with warmth as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Clara! I've missed you so much. It's been way too long."

I returned her hug, feeling oh so relieved for her familiar presence. "I know, Allison. I'm so glad to see you again."

Allison's gaze turned curious. "How have you been? And your siblings? My parents told me what happened." Allison tells me. I gulped. I hesitated for a moment, wondering how much I could share. We just had the funeral for my parents last week. "We...are keeping our heads above water. Mason is doing everything he can to take care of me, Cass and Alakay." I reply.

Allison nodded, her expression understanding. "I'm here for you if you ever want to talk, Clara. And guess what? We're in the same English class this year. How awesome is that?" Allison says cheerfully, handing me a piece of paper. I looked to see it was my schedule. I smiled..

A sense of relief washed over me. Having Allison as a friend and being in the same class were small but welcome comforts in this new chapter of my life. I won't be so anxious today. "That's great! I could use some help with English. You know I'm not that great at it and I speak it everyday." I said to her.

Allison chuckled, linking arms with me. "I'm your go-to English tutor, then. Now, let's go to our first class. We've got a lot to catch up on. And I'll introduce you to my friends."

As we walked toward the school building, I knew that maybe things would come around. Today is the first day that I've felt better since my parents death. I know they'd want me to move on with my life and finish, so that's what I plan on doing.

Moving forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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