I love you

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Colby and I just had a fight the night before, we never get into fights, I'm not a conformational person and me and Colby came up with a system, when we get frustrated with each other we have to take at least 15 minutes away from each other to become stable minded so we don't say anything out of anger or frustration that we might regret. The system normally worked really well, but for this time.

It was a stupid argument that I can't even remember the point of. We were both very overwhelmed and overstimulated to the point where every little thing was very irritating. We were walking back to the apartment when the argument started...

"All I said was that you were being way too jealous. You should trust me enough to know that I wouldn't cheat you you y/n!"

"I know you wouldn't I never said you would, it's not you I worry about it's them, and the fact that i haven't had a single relationship where I wasn't cheated on!"

"That's not my fault, why do I have to suffer because of your past relationships!"

"Oh so now being with me is to suffer, alright, I see how it is." I began to walk away faster

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Colby said as he quickly caught back up to me ... "Oh so now I'm getting the silent treatment great." ... "Why are you being like this y/n? You never act like this, you never argue back, you're supposed to be the sensible one."

"Why am I acting like this? I'm I not allowed to stick up for myself anymore is that what this is?" We have stopped walking "why is it such a problem that I am in love with you and I don't want to lose you like I've lost everyone else!" ... it was silent, i had just realized what I had said I am in love with you, what was I thinking, we both stood still for a moment.

"You love me?" ...

"I didn't mean to say that." I started to walk away beating myself up inside for saying that out loud.

"Y/n don't walk away from me." Colby caught up with me and grabbed me lightly by the arm, his face was red and it looked as if he was going to cry. "Answer the question."

"God yes I love you Colby. I love more than anything. I love you so much I can't think straight when I'm around you. I love you so much I'm scared.


"Yea, I'm scared. I'm scared to love you. If I love you you'll leave and I'll be broken and..." I started tearing up and Colby cut me off

"I'm not gonna leave you y/n. I would never leave you, or hurt you, or cheat on you, I would never. I not any of those other dicks you dated. "

We both stood there staring at each other with red faces and tears starting to form in our eyes from all of the stress.

"I love you y/n. I don't know why I didn't say it sooner, I don't know if I was scared or in doubt I don't know, but I know that I love you and nothing can change that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every morning and see you in bed with me, I want to go to bed every night knowing that you are safe and with me. Hell if anyone is jealous it's me. I'm so jealous of any guy that come anywhere near you it makes me angry, like I don't want anyone to be able to have what I have." A tear falls from Colby's eye "I can't imagine life without you y/n. You are the best thing that's happened to me."

"I love you so much colby," I grab colby for a tight hug "I would give up anything just to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I'm not good at explaining my emotions but god, when I'm not with you it makes me feel sick, and anxious like something is missing, something that I need to survive.. I hate it when we argue. And today has been such a long exhausting day, can we just go home and cuddle and decompress?"

At this point we are so overwhelmed that we don't even have the energy to cry the tears are just flowing out.

"Oh course baby let's get home, we can watch your favorite movie and cuddle."

"And nap.. and we please nap?"

"God yes we are napping, fuck the movie we are sleeping."

"Thank god I wouldn't ever make it through a movie right now"

We are slowly walking back to the apartment, I have my arms wrapped around Colby's waist while his hands are around my shoulders and we are both using each other as support so we dong fall over from exhaustion. I look up at Colby. "I love you."

"I love you too y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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