Chapter 1

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"Akari Fei, here is the Miraculous of the Fox, which grants the power of illusions. You will use it for the grater food and keep it with you at all times." Akari stared with wide eyes at Shadybug, who was holding a weird-looking box out in front of her.

"Can I trust you, Akra-sama?" She asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Akari grimes widely and nodded her head. "Yes, yes of course you can trust me Shadybug," the young Japanese girl responds as she opened the lid of the box.

Despite knowing it was coming, the orange light still surprised her. Akari jerked back: squinting at the light, blinking as it dimmed and shaped into a small, little fox like kwami. One that stretched out and yawned, flashing Akari little pointed fangs. The being drooped for a few seconds, sleepy-eyed and rubbing black paws over its face, then it gave a wild shake, snapping violet eyes open and meeting Kiki's wary stare.

The fox kwami flashed Kiki a big, toothy smile, body wiggling, tail wagging, little arms waving. "Hello, Kit!"

A vibrant orange and white fox tail gleamed back at her, framed with a golden trim, and when Kiki cautiously reached out and plucked the miraculous out of the box, a golden chain followed it with a soft rattle, revealing this miraculous to be a necklace. Akari held the light piece of jewelry up, watching it gleam in the light, eyeing the craft, taking a chance to look over it, no pressure to slip it on.

"I'm Trixx, I give you the power to create Illusions, which is something I think you'd have a lot of fun with." The little fox kwami said, then she glanced around her new surroundings. "Huh, oh hi Shady!"

Shadybug's red eyes narrowed and she gave Trixx her best icy glare. "Only my sweet little girlfriend is aloud to call me Shady!" She growled lowly under her breath.

The little fox kwami just shrugged and blew the spotted superhero one a raspberry. "Isn't she the holder of the Peacock Miraculous?"

Shadybug nodded her head at that. "You betcha. Jules and Duusu are a perfect Mach." She praised, blushing a bit under her black and red domino mask. "Her name's Bluebird. You'll meet her and Claw soon once you transform."

Akari nodded and turned to face her new kwami friend. "So what do I say to transform Tixx-sama?"

Trixx grimes cheekily at her, her violet gleaming in the moonlight. "That's an sassy one Kit. All you gotta say is Trixx, Let's Pounce!"

Akari nodded and put the necklace around her neck. "Trixx, Let's Pounce!" She cried out with a burst of enthusiasm.

A bright orange light zero under her and when it cleared, Akari looked down at her new look. She grinned in satisfaction.

She was wearing a long red dress with white around her belly and black gloves that reached to her elbows. A pare if fox ears sat on her head. The tips wre white and her long braids were a bright, vibrant white. A flute was strapped to her back and a red and white mask with black spots lined her faces.

"I love your outfit!" Shadybug almost squealed. "It's so pretty?! What's you're new name gonna be?"

Akari thought for a moment before eventually deciding on a name. "Hm... I think I'll go by Kitsunette." She eventually decided with a wide, foxy grin plastered on her face.

"Let's go start patrol!" Shadybug called over her shoulder as she latched her to-to onto a nearby roof. "Come on Kitsune-Cham!"

Kitsunette giggled and ran after the spotted superhero. She was fast, like really, really fast. By the time Kitsunette arrived, Betterfly and Claw were chatting while Shady and Bluebird were playing a game of cards.

"That's what I get for get distracted by the scenery." The girl muttered quietly to herself as she landed in the rooftop.

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