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A/N: Heyyy! This is my first MHA story and my first story that isn't a oneshot! This is planned out to be 7 chapters total and will be updated once a week at least. I hope you enjoy!

It was a gloomy Monday evening, and Natsuo was tired. He had finally finished his practical exams and was looking forward to a weekend off with no homework. It was a miracle. He was somehow homework and studying free for a whole weekend. He needed it after pulling 2 all-nighters to study. He was so anxious to get to his apartment that he cut through a sketchy looking alley that he usually avoided. It would be fine right?

Wrong, he was so wrong. About halfway through the alley he heard a weak cough and turned towards it. It was a young man about his age with pale blue hair. Natsuo looked closer, assuming the man was just sick or something, before realizing that the blue haired man had been stabbed in the arm. The wound was bleeding out sluggishly and the man appeared delirious. He should leave him, right? Let a hero deal with him?

Suddenly it hit Natsuo. If he left this man to suffer when he could have helped, he would be just as bad as Endeavor. And he hated Endeavor and strove to be his opposite.

Natsuo knelt down next to the man and pulled out his med kit that he had used on his practicals earlier that day.

"Hey man, are you awake? Can you look me in the eye please?"

The man struggled and didn't appear able to look Natsuo in the eyes.

"Okay, you appear injured worse than I am trained to handle. I am going to call an ambulance. Is that alright with you?"

The man weakly replied, "n-no... no ambulances."

Natsuo looked at the man shocked. He is bleeding out on the side of an alley and doesn't want help? What's wrong with him?

"Can't-" the man started before coughing weakly, "can't afford..."

Understanding dawned in Natsuo's face. "Alright sir, that's your choice. I will do my best to help you, can I see your arm please?"

The man nodded weakly which was all the consent Natsuo needed to start working. He noticed the man had a tattered glove on, and the glove seemed vaguely familiar, like he had seen it on tv. Whatever, that didn't matter now. Natsuo took out his torniquet and quickly used it to tie the arm and stop the bleeding. He then cleaned the wound, apologizing for the stinging as he had no pain meds. The man appeared too out of it to care. Once the wound was cleaned Natsuo took out his needle and thread and carefully stitched the wound before wrapping it in gauze. It was messy, but the best he could do on short notice with limited supplies.

"Alright, that should hold for now, would you like to stay at my place while you heal sir?" Natsuo knew this was a bad idea. He was inviting a man, who was potentially a villain, into his house. How dumb could he get? But he didn't care, all he saw was an injured man who needed his help.

The man nodded slightly, appearing like he was about to nod off.

"Err I guess I can carry you..." shit this would look suspicious. He hoped that no one would see him carrying a comatose man into his apartment.

The man, much to his relief, refused to be carried and instead stood up on his own. He had to lean on Natsuo heavily but managed to hold himself upright well enough using his not injured hand. While walking through the apartment complex, Natsuo got many dirty looks, but luckily no one stopped him. He brought the man over to his couch and helped him sit carefully.

"I suppose you can stay here till you are healed... umm I'm going to go make some food, you should sleep. Maybe you can tell me what happened when you are more awake."

The man laid down in agreement, leaving a confused Natsuo to make food and hope he didn't invite a serial killer into his house.

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