chapter seven

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(name) currently sat in a daze, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was dating miyamura. they were even having lunch together.

"(name). why are you staring at me like that?" miyamura asked.

"sorry, it's nothing."


"come to think of it, midterms are coming up. have you been studying for them?"

"nope." miyamura admitted. "studying puts me to sleep."

"then do you want to do it together? studying for the test, i mean. but if it's easier to concentrate on your own we don't have to-"

"no, it sounds great. let's do it."

miyamura offered him a genuine smile. it wasn't long before the two made their way back to class, chatting along the way.

"where should we study?"

"how about the library?" miyamura suggested.

"i went there yesterday, and it was full."

"right. it is that time of year."

(name) fell silent, a thought running through his head.

"how about my place?"

"your place?"

"yeah. my parents come home late from work, so it would be laid back. my older brother will be there."

"all right, i'll take you up on it."


suddenly, ishikawa appeared out of nowhere, placing a hand on miyamura's shoulder.

"looks like you two are enjoying each other's company."

"ishikawa." miyamura greeted.

"you two actually dating?" he asked.

"yeah, this is (last name) from class three."

ishikawa glanced at him. "so you're taking him over to your house? while your parents are out? for someone who looks like a goody two-shoes, you're pretty smutty."

"you've got the wrong idea. tests are coming up, so we're studying." (name) explained.

ishikawa clicked his tongue. "what are you saying? there's no way you two could focus on studying."

"knock it off ishikawa," miyamura stepped in.

"guess i'll join your study date too."

"huh?" miyamura and (name) spoke at the same time.

"what? would i be getting in the way?"

'come on! take a hint! even if i do think you'll be in the way, i can't come out and say it!'

"that's fine. feel free to come over too."

miyamura looked at him. "(last name), if you don't want him to come you can just say so."

"it's cool. he's your friend, right? it'd be good for me to get to know him along with all your other friends."


(name) nodded, trying to be as convincing as possible. it really was a shame they wouldn't be able to be alone though.

"phony..." ishikawa muttered.

"what?" (name) asked looking over at him to make sure he heard right.


now that (name) thought about it, it'll be a bit awkward with just the three of them. he raked his brain for a moment before coming up with a solution.

"thank you so much, yanagi."

"no problem. i wanted to get a chance to talk to him too since he's your boyfriend."

after his last class had ended, (name) took that time to hunt yanagi down, asking him to join in on their small study group.

"don't say anything weird to him."

"like what? that you love spicy, sweat inducing ramen?" yanagi teased.

"(last name)." miyamura called out making his way towards the pair with ishikawa trailing behind him.


"should we head out?"

"sure. by the way, this is yagani akane."

"we've been friends since middle school," he informed before questioning miyamura."i have to say you're a lot different than i imagined. do you play any sports?"

"nah, not really."

"what about clubs?"

"eh, clubs aren't really my thing."

at least (name) didn't have to worry about those two not getting along. they'll be friends in no time. he tried striking a conversation with ishikawa who looked as if he'd rather be anywhere but here.

"how long have you been friends with miyamura, ishikawa?"

"since last year."

"oh, really? that's-"

"you're not actually interested in me at all, are you?" ishikawa suddenly asked, a condescending look on his face. "but you said you wanted to become friends. so sly and calculating. you seem like a real shrewd."

(name) froze, unsure if he should bite his tongue or lash out. either way, ishikawa didn't have a very good impression of him.


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𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗘𝗦 ━ MIYAMURA IZUMI ¹Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu