kiss me.

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the rest of the day went quickly. thanks to a well deserved 2 hour nap.

aurora slipped on her green jumper and black skirt again once she had fully woken up. theo was doing homework at a desk with his back towards her. she wasnt even sure he knew she was awake.

so she quietly walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck making him jump.

"gesù, rora, non farlo" (jesus, rora, dont do that (italian))

"mm, sorry" she had no idea what he had just said but it was undeniably sexy. she pressed a kiss to his shoulder. "what you working on?"

he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to sit on one of his thighs, resting his hand on her hip. "newts, i dont want to it but i dont want to fail"

she smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "thats fair enough"

"mhm" he pressed a kiss to her head. "good nap?"

"only because the bed smells like you"

he chuckled lightly and turnt the page in the book he was skimming over.

"teach me"


"teach me, whatever you're studying. might help you remember things better"

"right, okay. um.."

the next half an hour was spend with aurora asking questions that she already knew the answers to but made theo think hard enough to need to answer them and explain it to her throughly.

"i cant do anymore, my brains fogging up"

"okay, amour"

"thank you though, that helped"

"always" she pressed a light kiss to his lips.

it was short but sweet.

"kiss me again"

she smiled but kissed him again.

their lips lingered on one anothers for longer than last time but definitely not long enough. because when aurora pulled away theo grabbed her neck and brought her in for a very long slightly heated kiss.

aurora moved so she was now straddling theos lap instead and held onto theos face with one hand as the other went up his shirt.

theo groaned into the kiss and held her tightly by her waist.

they pulled away for a total of 4 seconds to get air before returning back to their open mouth kiss. the brunette boy pulled away and began kissing down his girlfriends neck and just as she gasped when he bit down on the sensitive skin.

the dorm room door swung open, revealing draco and harry.

"shit." rory pushed theo away from her and quickly stood up.

"sorry to interrupt." draco said rolling his eyes

"shut up, malfoy" theo said as he wiped the corners of his mouth and stood up. "we were just leaving"

"of course you were"

"be quiet dray"

"dray?" harry raised an eyebrow from next to the blonde boy.

"shut up" draco pushed harry into the dorm fully by his head, making him rub the back of his neck.


"cry about it"

aurora rolled her eyes and sat down on theos bed.

"i woke up about 40 minutes ago, im not going anywhere"

draco groaned and gestured to his bed for potter to sit down. "fine"

once draco and harry were sat somewhat happily on dracos bed with a pile of books and papers between them, they began working and studying.

aurora and theo however we're continuing what they had been rudely interrupted. with the curtains drawn and a silencing spell around the bed.

"just because we cant hear or see you doesnt make it any better!" drack complained. "we still know youre shagging!"

aurora just threw her jumper out of the curtains as a response.

"you're revolting." draco grimaced.

harry was close to passing out with how much he was laughing.

"salzar potter, it wasnt that funny."

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