Introducing the main character

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1.Jane is a student

2.She has anxiety and ASD

3.She loves black 🖤 and purple💜

4.She loves wearing black

5.Jane likes when it rains during school, being alone, listening to music, dancing, journaling and anything dark.

6.Jane was a part of her school's dance group from 3 to 10 years old. (Waltz and tango from 3 to 7 years old and Romanian folk dance from 7 to 10 years old)

7.She used to be friends with 7 girls and 3 boys but after 2 years they started bullying her.

8.She's been best friends with Lydia ever since she was 5 years old.

9.Jane is afraid of worms and ghosts.

10.She never liked being around people.

Started on November 4th 2023 and it's still in the progress on being written.

(Please excuse my grammatical mistakes, English it's not my native language 🥲)

(The  pictures used in this story are not mine, they're all from Pinterest)

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