Chapter 22

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A new dawn came with a musical silence, the soul hearing the melody that the ears could not

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A new dawn came with a musical silence, the soul hearing the melody that the ears could not. It was a new beginning for chaeyoung, new decisions and new recognition, a fresh page yet to be written. Chaeyoung stretched up her hand to the sky.

'Under the sun we are all the same,' she thought, and let the soft amber glow of the sunrise pour through her conical fingers and onto her glowing face. The sun itself had barely risen and the city had the subdued quiet of dawn. Only road sweepers and early morning palace workers hurried through the otherwise deserted pathways.Each one of them were too busy to savour the persimmon sky or the rays that radiated from the golden orb as pretty as any fresco.

Hope. That's what keeps you alive, like it kept chaeyoung.Moreover it also gives you strength and helps you to fight through every day. But what do you hope for? A better tomorrow? What do you do when you realize that you'll never get that? Do you give up?At a point Chaeyoung also wished she could just give up; but then her dreams, her hopes, told her not to. They helped her to wake up every day. Maybe that's what hope is - a distant star shining in the darkest sky. Not enough to remove the darkness, but enough to make anyone believe there's thousand more stars somewhere and all you have to do is find that 'somewhere.' So she decided to find that star ignoring the darkness that tried to stop her.

In that early morning Chaeyoung sent a message a to Namjoon to summon at the painting hall where exotic portraits and paintings of joseons ancestors had preserved.In that message she expressed her desire of gaining knowledge about joseon culture from Namjoon. An hour later, a soldier came to chaeyoung's room informing her that Namjoon is willing to obey her order.The artist had set up the paintings, each covered by a silk veil, by the time she entered the hall. Namjoon had already presented there.

Chaeyoung saw nobles after nobles until their faces blurred.The long day teetered between boredom and dread.However Namjoon's witty talks and company retained her mood as well as interest.When the artist uncovered the last and largest painting, chaeyoung sat up, certain that it gave her impression like king's But the artist explicated

“Here is the General Min Yoongi, who used to be the Guardian of Emperor Jeon jungkook  sitting amongst royal scions " The artist spoke

In the portrait Min Yoongi looked as a regal personality in a muscle-bound way.Encrusted with jewels, he occupied a seat decorated with intricated woods. Something about the way he leaned forward, his right hand fisted, showed his pride. To his left sat a familiar face who was a pale, petulant copy of him considering the size.

"Emperor 's brother Jeon junghyun " The artist explained. Some how junghyun made chaeyoung uncomfortable, though she couldn’t have explained why.

“I know, remove the picture,” she commanded, and then, as her eyes were caught by the figure on Min Yoongi's right,

“No, wait!” less older than the junghyun and austere-faced, a man sat upright, his lean body wary, as though he knew the world to be a dangerous place. Though in the midst of a court, he seemed utterly alone. His only ornaments were a pair of pearl necklace around neck and a curiously paterned Iron armor unlike anything she’d seen. His eyes were filled with an ancient sadness. They pulled chaeyoung into them. Her impatience evaporated. She no longer cared to see remaining portraits. Instead, she wanted to know how those eyes would look if the man smiled. Absurdly, she wanted to be the reason for his smile.

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