Large Objects and Doors

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Oliver never went on the Queen's Gambit. His father died on the yacht. Oliver never became the Arrow...

"Mom? I'm going out!"

Oliver Jonas Queen had been the bad boy of Starling City for as long as he could remember. Constantly throwing parties in the Queen's glorious mansion, switching from girl to girl; Oliver got anything and everything he ever wanted.

"Where are you going?" asked Moira Queen. She always wanted the best for Oliver, but some things she couldn't change.

"I'm going to QC. I just gotta check something. The police said someone hacked into our network." Even though Oliver always tried to keep up the act, his mother saw the potential in him. He was determined, and he loved working for his father's company.

"That's odd. The company is usually very good with those kinds of things."

"Probably just some kid with an X-Box," Oliver told her. He didn't want his mother to worry.
Walking into the Queen Consolidated building was like walking into the future. There were computers in every corner and the new design stood out in Starling City. As Oliver walked into the modern-designed elevator, a woman walked in and closed the doors.

She had sleek, curled brown hair and stunning bright grey eyes.

"Hello Laurel," Oliver said to her, concentrated on her plain folder.

"Hi Ollie."

The two of them had broken up less than two weeks ago, due to a fight. The fight mostly consisted of throwing large objects and slamming of doors. But she seemed to get over it quickly. She seemed to love her new job at CNRI.

"So," Oliver starts, trying to start a conversation. "How are you?"

"Not great. and my dad it's," she stops herself. "It's complicated."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" This elevator ride was getting worse by the minute.

"No offense, Oliver, but I don't think talking to you is going to make my life any better."

She was right. And just like that, the elevator stopped and we went our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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